Title: Lollipop
Pairing: RyoTego ♥
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Ryo and Tegoshi owns each other. XDDD rofl
"Ne.. want some?" Tegoshi asked his lover, offering him a huge swirled lollipop.
"Nah," Ryo shook his head in response.
Tegoshi pouted and started to lick the candy. He often wonders why Ryo doesn't have a particular liking for sweets. Everytime he would offer Ryo something sweet, the latter would promptly refuse. Tegoshi badly wanted to know why. So he asked, "Ryo-tan, why don't you like sweets?"
Ryo glanced up from the magazine he was reading. His boyfriend was still licking the lollipop and he couldn't resist how cutely his Tegonyan licked his pretty red lips.
Ryo smirked, slowly moving closer to Tegoshi and answered, "Because you're so much sweeter and i like that better than candy on a stick,"
Tegoshi suddenly blushed red as Ryo pulled him and and kissed him full on the lips.
And the lollipop was completely forgotten.
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Yay i made another oneXD haha i'm sooo sleepy.. School is
really tiring.. :| *sigh* good thing it's a holiday tomorrow! Phew. :)
Comments are loooooved<33