Title: Stickers and Sunglasses
Pairing: TegoPi
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Johnny-san owns them boys.
Yamapi was already preparing to go home.
He was happily humming to himself while tidying his things up when he noticed something odd on his sunglasses..
There were stickers on it!
Moreover, the stickers were.. Barbie?
Yamapi grunted, trying to control the anger boiling up inside him.
"Hai, hai?" Tegoshi came into the room, grinning innocently at Yamapi.
"What do you think this is?
"Mm? Oh that! It's Barbie! Hahaha it's cute isn't it?"
"Cute? You call this cute? It's my favorite sunglasses Tegoshi! I can't believe you ruined it!" said Yamapi angrily.
Tegoshi's smiling face disappeared. Tears started to roll down his cheeks.
"I-I didn't know! I'm sorry Yamashita-kun. Don't be angry with me anymore. I really didn't know.."
Yamapi suddenly panicked. His anger faded immediately, seeing Tegoshi's tear-strained face.
"Tegoshi please don't cry.. I'm not angry anymore, okay? Please stop crying.."
"Really? You're not angry anymore?"
Yamapi nodded.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you," he said, wiping Tegoshi's tears.
"Hmm. I don't think I'll accept your apology that easily," Tegoshi pouted.
"What?? Why you-"
"Pay me something for making me cry.."
"Eh? Okay then. So what kind of payment?"
Tegoshi grinned wickedly.
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ohoho.. Tegoshi you are so effin' naughtyXD haha okay the barbie thing was kinda weird i know:) lol anyway, please leave comments! ♥