Welcome to our eighth prompt post.
As ususal, here are a few things to keep in mind:
1) All fills for prompts of the earlier prompt posts go in the post the prompt was posted in. No re-posting or splitting up prompts and fills.
2) Self-prompt when you post unprompted fic. (This means posting what the fill is about in a first comment, like a real
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Scrolling through del.icio.us the other day, I started to think about other lolitics fans doing the same, which tags would they be selecting? The character or theme with the most fics may be an accurate representation of the favoured combinations, but I decided that I'd quite like to ask..
So - favourite pairing and subsequent kink?
By this I mean, what kink do you prefer for this couple. Mandelborne BDSM seems to be popular, or perhaps you prefer Milicest roleplay? DCam/SCam pegging?
my own answer to this, against everything that I previously believed about myself sexually, can be summed in two words;
Clameron watersports.
Dunno why, just is
Favourite kink - This one's much more difficult! I dunno, it's not really a kink as such, but I always seek fics where the the relationship is really loving. It might be spectacularly messed up, but there's no doubt that they mean everything to each other.
In the world of RPS kink memes, romantic vanilla is the weirdest kink of all...
Outside of loving James and David, I'm in love with violent Burnballs. I love the gentle, sometimes awkward, passion of James and David, but sometimes it's nice to contrast it with the hard and fast of Burnballs.
Also, multiple orgasms. Not enough of that. Just saying.
As for favourite kinks... watersports and bdsm.
That makes a lot of sense when you consider my 'kink' is for realism and if ever there was a pairing worthy of tinhatting it's these two. I'm up for any kink as long as there's some emotional truth to the story (especially with Milicest, which I *love*. Luckily the vast majority of Milifills are wonderfully layered and nuanced. Actually that may be the reason I got sucked into that pairing in the first place).
Oddly enough though the pairing that I find to be the best written is also the most complex, Blair/Brown.
...I'm enjoying the kinky shit as it comes up, it's just when I go re-read I go right for the sweet vanilla for some reason.
Even for NuLab OT4.
(Right now I seem to mostly want old-fashioned snuggly Clameron and stories in which Michael Gove is happy.)
And I love the domestic fills too. (What, I know it's not a 'kink' but still, I love it.) I basically read everything with them.
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