Welcome to our eighth prompt post.
As ususal, here are a few things to keep in mind:
1) All fills for prompts of the earlier prompt posts go in the post the prompt was posted in. No re-posting or splitting up prompts and fills.
2) Self-prompt when you post unprompted fic. (This means posting what the fill is about in a first comment, like a real
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Prompted by Various Incentives, and the threat that Andy Burnham might close his eyes forever. Starring DCam, Andy Burnham, Ed Balls and Nick Clegg, with bonus Miliborne (and fluffy jumpers).
HOW did I get talked into this?
What was worse, David had first of all decreed that Andy wasn’t to mention the Miliband invitation to anyone - especially not Ed Balls; and secondly insisted that Andy should break into Miliband’s office to purloin a piece of kitchen equipment.
The immediate result of this had been Ed Balls’ blooper on the doorstep. Andy lingered somewhat over pulling on the cashmere sweater in deep midnight blue that his lover had given him. He had no intention of joining the party downstairs until that faux pas had been smoothed over ( ... )
Oh David I see what you did there with the blue jumper, bribing Andy with cashmere! And George dashing in like the White Rabbit! Loving this fic!
Awww thanks.
Thank you. I haven't get mentioned David's jumper. Will have to be mid-blue I guess.
“I’m late - apologies!” he snapped.
“That’s perfectly alright, George!” David sounded both genial and utterly relieved, “Come in and have some of Balls’ punch. It’s …. um …. inspirational.”
“Actually,” said a well-known voice, “it’s both over-strong and rather muddled as regards complementary flavours, brown ale and crème de cassis, for example is an infelicitous mélange both in flavour and by cultural mix. It tastes as if a number of elements have been forced together in a random manner with a preference for instant inebriation over enjoyment.”
As jaws were collectively dropped, George’s heart leaped in his green-fluff-concealed chest.
“If it’s not good enough ….. “ bellowed Balls, lower jaw jutted antagonistically.
Miliband sighed sadly.
“Oh Ed! EdEdEdEdEd! You STILL haven’t seen it. You have to tune into the flow; to go with the zeitgeist - in small things as in large. No-one producing that … amalgam could POSSIBLY succeed as Shadow ( ... )
I'm glad you liked the complinsult (what a great word!). Ed's just about to customise his hot choc mix for each one of them.
(P.S- Have you seen Ed M's and George's hands? George's are renowned for being long and pretty..but I just noticed Ed's pretty much match his...gratuitous hand linkage?)
Oh thank you. You're making me very happy.
I should maybe say that writing it is making me happy too, during a period of general RL badness. Still on-track to finish this by Saturday *crosses fingers*
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