We might have travelled in time and are back to post number 2 or this is going to be the most porny post yet. No one knows. Or no one knew. Anyway:
Here are your guidelines, as usual.
1) All fills for prompts of the earlier prompt posts go in the post the prompt was posted in. No re-posting or splitting up prompts and fills.
2) Self-prompt
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Speak for yourself, :P I had raspberry jelly this morning. With bacon. AND IT WAS GOOD.
Jelly? Do you mean jam? Or actual, jelly-and-ice cream type jelly?
(I would not judge either way - my breakfast was cold pizza!)
(Sorry to international!anons here feeling sickened.)
(Also: marmite on chocolate cake = excellent)
Marmite on chocolate cake? I'm not a Marmite fan, unfortunately. Though speaking of weird British eating habits, I was in a cafe with a friend today and she emptied about 120 sachets of sugar into her tea. It was a very big cup of tea, and we moved round 3 tables to get that much sugar.
I will try it, but I am not so sanguine about the prospect of bacon with raspberry.
Have you tried sausages with lemon curd? It's not awful.
All this talk about British breakfasts has reminded me that I haven't had a soft boiled egg with toast fingers in years.
I have never tried sausages with lemon curd, but sausages with marmalade are amazing.
*exits stage left, pursued by furious gastronomes*
(Author!anon is not pregnant, but is amused by the afterlife of this thread.)
Quoting from the Guardian Q&A's, just because they always make me laugh (stealing from here):
How often do you have sex?
- Those who count clearly aren't enjoying it enough (Nick Clegg)
- I'm not going to go all Nick Cleggy. (Ed Balls)
- Oh please; I'm not Nick Clegg (David Miliband)
- Not as often as Nick Clegg, sadly. (Andy Burnham)
(Now want crack fic where the shadcab all fall pregnant at once...)
(And you should prompt your idea! That would be a hilarious fic.)
Re: Chris as a wizard - someone asked a few days ago why Gove had been adopted as Bercow's apprentice by the meme instead of Chris, and so when I knew I'd be using Bercow and parallel universes here, my mind went straight to a wizard!Chris. As I commented to another anon, I've been dying to see in a fic for a very long time, so this was long overdue. :D
Is Mandelson the evil wizard? Is he trying to get David Miliband into power, or is it the BONE?
Now that would be telling!
Thanks for all your help! <3
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