o baby that fucking sux! do u really think this dude woodve hurt ur friend or sumthing? and holey crap hunn u hang out with some fucking weirdass ppl. i mean stalkers!?!?!? ok for fun ok thats like an us thing but for real-thats like crazy shit hunny. ok well i think u need to stop worring and eat some marshmellows! they make eveyting better! :)
yeah this lee guy would i've met him a couple times. and emma told me what happpened he tried to napp her and rape her in the back seat of the car while someone was driving and the driver figured out what was happening and he drove the car into a tre and emma ended up in a coma. ahhhhhhh but emma called me this morning and said she found ben. thank god. thank you brandi i will eat some marshmellows. lol.
Comments 3
Had to do t. Hope everything works out...:)
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