Real Life Story- This spell gives Sabrina the dirt on anyone she wants about their past.
"I need some dirt and I need it fast,
So give me the scoop on [insert name here]"
Mun will put up permission posts for this spell. Thanks Kayce!
Mum's the Word Spell- A silence spell... Except all you can say is 'mum.' A very stupid spell according to Sabrina, but at least it shuts you up.
"So nothing unkind will be heard,
Just remember that mum's the word!"
If You Can't Say Anything Nice Spell- A silence spell that actually takes away your speaking voice so you can't say anything at all. Activated by pressing a certain function in the Magic Book.
WARNING: Two silence spells casted under the same roof and or area will turn everything around the premises into a Silent Movie.
Dr. Doolittle Spell- A potion that enables the user to presumably talk to animals. Note: Sabrina can speak any language without this spell.
Truth Sprinkles- According to the package label... '"100% refined truth. May contain traces of harsh reality. For best results, sprinkle on something sweet as the truth can be bitter." Self-explanatory~ Side effects may include, itching, chafing, and hurt feelings.
Can of Worms- Not really worms... But releases an essence that makes everything become like a soap opera- emotions are heightened and the drama is increased. Effects only ends when there is a climax.
Astonish Mints- A pack of mints that when consumed, will make you extremely in awe of everything around you for several hours. Very good for distracting people.
Heart's Desire Spell- Not the official name, but what the spell does is it reveals your heart's desire to you (not literally though) so if you're having trouble deciding between two people then this is the spell for you. Activated by putting your hand over your heart and singing the
"Alfie" song.
Butt Expanding Potion- ... Yeah. A potion that makes your butt bigger. And not in a nice way. Used for revenge on someone you hate.
Just Desserts- A revenge potion that... Gives the person you hate their just desserts. It's rather complicated, but you basically get your revenge. *will add more later*
No More Embarrassment (not official name)- This potion creates a banana peel which the person it is used on slips and then laughs it off thus getting rid of their embarrassment. Side effects follow however.
Man Dough- Now comes in non-baking version! Just shape out your dream date and add your own mix of personality glaze. Within a couple of minutes you have your dream man that lasts up to four hours! May go bad near the end.
Magic for Dummies- Basically... A bunch of magic tricks that are actually magic. Pulling a rabbit out of a hat, sashes up your sleeve, sawing someone in half, etc. According to Aunt Zelda, all very old-fashioned that even mortals are doing it.
Sneak-a-Peek Glass- Hold this magic magnifying glass over the map in the Magic Book and you can see the person you want to spy/stalk/love from far away.
Will add on more spells and the episodes they appear in later.