WHO: A Sir Willem Nikolaas Van Peeters, and a Miss Eireann Kirkland-O'Connor
WHEN: September 9, after noon.
WHERE: A nicer area near LU that has nice green trees and grass.
WHAT: The kitten has once again found ways to help Erin meet new people.
Another nice day to go strolling outside to get some more fresh air. Erin had finished up her shift at the shop and was headed back home. Somehow she convinced the coworkers that the cat wouldn't get in the way, which was true, for them. But the Nisse were never satisfied to wherever Ash took her naps. So Erin was more than happy to go home.
They walked along the sidewalk, not too far from where Liberty University stood. Ash wanted to walk along side her master. Exercise after napping. As they neared a corner with lots of shrubs and huge trees, Ash once again dashed off. The bell didnt do much this time, for the cat found its way through and under bushes and other planters, chasing after some small vermin she found. But when she chased it out of the plants and into the open, it startled a very large dog, something akin to a German Shepard. The dog's owner didnt notice Ash at all, and the dog darted for her and pulled it's leash from the owner's hands. With a squeak, the kitten ran to the closest tree and hid up within the branches from the beast that waited for it at the base of the tree.