WHO: Gilbert and Feliciano
WHEN: Saturday September 18th late afternoon
WHERE: Vargas Mansion - Feliciano’s “Work Room”
WHAT: Gilbert offered to help sew some garments, and, you know, maybe drop some hints that he wants to be in a design team too… just a little bit.
“This was Gil-Gil Just a bit farther, I promise~“ This was going to be fun! He never really got to sew with people he knew and were friends with, most the people at work never seemed to want to chat as they worked. Feliciano grinned, tugging the arm of the albino man behind him, who was just barely keeping up. “It’s just down the hall.”
For all of his absentmindedness the youngest Vargas seemed the only one able to truly navigate the mansion. If only because he’d gotten lost so often himself that he had a semi-useful mental map that used landmarks of random rooms, paintings and other furnishings.
“It’s going to be great, I just know it! The magazine wouldn’t do anything with it, of course, since it has nothing to do with what they stand for.” He paused to push open one door only to shake his head and close it to move further down the hall, rambling the whole while. “Besides, I want male models. Females are too overused for the story Kiki told me about. I know because I researched it all by myself? Did you know foxes are really, really, really cute?”
When did you say Ludwig was going to be back again? No, no, that would ruin the mood. He really did need to get back to work. And ask that nice guy to take him camping too. “Ah-ha! Here we are. My personal studio~ Sorry if it’s a bit messy, Gil-Gil.”