May 19, 2010 00:08
Judith took the bell from her pocket and rung it. Something unusual happened. A portal appeared right beside Sierra. Though it disappeared as fast as it appeared. Suddenly a jellyfish like bubble appeared above them. Everyone stared at the object surprised.
[I would LOVE to know where Judith's pockets are.]
"Is that...?" Rita asked. Judith nodded. "Yes. That is the Home of the Kritya, Myorzo. I think we'll need Ba'ul, so I call him."
"Sierra-sempai? Are you alright?" Sierra didn't look up. She looked beside her. Where the portal was. She saw something on the ground, where she knelt down and picked up. It wasn't something significant to the average person's eye. But to her's, it was. It a piece of paper that just appeared via a portal. Now that was something you wouldn't see every day.
[How can it not be significant if it appeared through a portal?]
"Eh? I'm sorry, Patty. I just thought I saw something interesting."
"Well, Ba'ul is here, so we can go to Myorzo, now." Rita said, as she climbed aboard the ship. The rest of them followed on, Sierra lagging behind.
And Raven started to worry a little bit.
Because her face paled significantly at a single piece of paper.
They flew into the jelly mass of something covering the city to find themselves off the Fiertia, and onto land. There, they were met by many people.
[That jelly-mass is named Krones. He's an Entelexeia.]
"So you are the ones who opened the gate to Myorzo. Welcome to the home of the Kritya." One of the Krityans said.
"It's good to be back." Judith said, smiling.
"So you are one of the Kritya who left our town? Judith, am I right?" Another one of the townspeople asked. "
Yes. Quite surprised you remember me." She said, giggling.
"Well, it's hard to forget-" But the first townsperson stopped talking when he saw the face Judith wore.
"Well, anyways. To business. Could we see the mayor?" She asked. The townspeople nodded, pointing at the biggest building of the whole weird place.
"Our mayor takes walks in the morning, so you'll have to find him." And the large group of townspeople left.
And Rita exploded in confusion.
[I would love to see someone explode for real in this fic.]
"This place is a place without blastia?" She shouted.
Sierra walked up to her and covered her mouth with her hand to prevent anymore shoutings.
"Even though I've never been to a place like this before, it's possible to have a place without blastia. It's just ironic that the makers of blastia abandoned it." Sierra said, looking at Judith.
"After the creation of the Hermes blastia, they stopped relying on it, learning the dangers it could cause." Judith explained. I mean, in the game, how does she remember these things? Didn't she leave at a young age?
[I'm not even going to answer those questions, the game explains it well enough.]
"Is that the mayor over there?" Karol asked, pointing at a man, who was pretty tall, and funny looking.
"Yeah. That's him."
"He looks weird already. I mean, who the heck dresses up like that?" Karol said.
[Have you looked as Estelles outfit?]
"Let's just say he's a weird mayor of a weird town." Judith said, laughing slightly at Karol comment.
[Ahh I get it, you were trying to use dialogue she makes in the game in order to make her look less horribly OOC than she has been.]
They met the mayor, and they were directed to go inside his house immediately. Now, that confused majority of the people.
"So, we're walking into his house with permission?" Karol asked for the billionth time in a row.
Sierra had kept her patience intact, and so did Yuri.
But the rest of them were annoyed at his questioning. "
Sierra, are you alright?" Raven asked. Now, this was one thing strange thing. Raven never flirts with Sierra. Though there were two possible reasons.
One. She's strong, and she could slice him in a second.
Two. She could spill his identity in a split second.
"Did you ask anything, Raven?" Sierra asked back. He looked at her confused at her ignorant state.
]Why would she reveal his other identity because he flirted with her?]
"Nothing. I said absolutely nothing." Sierra went back to her thinking state. The place felt normal and somewhat comforting to her. Something in her head tingled in her head, a sensation of an instinct that told her something that she knew the place quite well. Though, she was pretty sure she didn't know the place.
"Ahh... you are here!" They all they turned around. The crazy, weirdo mayor walked up to them.
[It's not nice to call people names when they offer you hospitality.]
So what do you want to know?"
"We want to know why the Entelexeia hate the Child of the Full Moon." Yuri said.
And all the mayor did was smile...
After the annoying explanation of the Child of the Full Moon, and basically the truth, Estelle ran away. It was like a free time session. Everyone started to wander around the town for a little bit. Because they were quite aware that Estelle was in an emotion breakdown. Though what they didn't know was...
[It wasn't annoying, it was a major plot point of the game.]
The secrets behind the scenes.
Ok, ok. It was about afternoon when everyone met up. Everyone apart from Raven and Estelle.
Sierra was missing too, but Yuri actually knew where she was.
[Line inserted so you don't forget about her amazing sue!]
"Where is Estelle?" He asked aloud. The rest of the group gave him concerned glances.
"Where's the old man?" Rita wondered aloud. The rest of the group changed their worried faces to looks of confusion.
And then Sierra walked in.
"It's bad news. Estelle's belongings aren't here. Raven's aren't here either. Which means they left already. Or they got kidnapped. Which is possible, since we bumped into Sodia in the forest."
[Sodia was secretly on board the Fiertia!]
And everyone gasped in a concerned way, well apart from the cool headed Yuri, who just gave another concerned glance in Sierra's direction.
"I'm gonna kill that old man the next time I see him! I'm gonna kill him for kidnapping Estelle." Rita growled aloud. They were on their way to Yormgen, on Sierra's request. She wanted to see Linda's great grandfather grave, to return the memento of her mother back to her family.
"But Rita, think of it, Raven could've been kidnapped along with Estelle." Sierra said, in her frenzy daze.
"And why would they want to kidnap the old man?" Yuri asked. And, by the way, Flynn wasn't saying anything. He felt bad, even though it was no longer his job to look after her. He just cared about her, still. And so did Yuri. But he didn't want to look like Flynn, all gloomy and stuff.
"Maybe it's because he's in Altosk?" Judith said, saying it more like a question.
As they got closer to Yormgen, they found out something.
That the place was in ruins.
The group stood behind a large piece of ruin, in which they heard two voices.
"Yes, yes. Yeager, she's there." Sierra suddenly lurched slightly. The rest of them were oblivious, well, apart from Yuri. Her face suddenly paled at the sight of a third person walking in.
"Good. Vut, where is she?" Yeager asked. The voice laughed and then spoke.
"She's in Baction." And then the two disappeared. The third person stood there, confused for a second. And then...
"Captain Sierra." She flinched and looked beside her, facing Witcher.
"Ehh...uhh... hi." She said, laughing slightly. She walked out of her hiding spot along with everyone else.
"Captain Sierra." She turned around and smiled.
"Seriously, don't call me Captain Sierra. Sierra works fine. You freak me out when you say it like that, Sodia." She replied back to the said.
[I can reply to the said as well!]
"Well, what are you doing here, anyways?" Sodia asked, as she watched Sierra's lips turn into a smile.
"I was hoping that I could return Linda's mother's watch to her great grandmother's grave. But it seems like I'll be holding onto it for a while." She said, laughing slightly.
"And, by the way, Sodia. What the hell were you doing in Nordopolica?" Flynn asked, calmly, but then you could see the rage in his eyes burn out his innocence. Flynn was about to continue, but Sierra took his arm, which was pointing in her direction and pushed it down. He looked at her confused, but her face clearly said 'I'll deal with it'.
[Sodia was not in Nordopolica according to your last chapter. Also, what's with Flynn's temper problems?]
"Sodia, might I inquire what happened in Nordopolica? And please, don't lie, because I'll be tempted to slice and dice." She asked, quite sweetly. Though the voice was sickly to most ears, it wasn't to Sodia's.
"I blocked the roads to Nordopolica on the Commandant's orders." She said, in a captain-y sort of way, like a true knight.
"What were you doing! I'm pretty sure I taught you better than that! I thought I taught you to make your own decisions, knight or not! If they were wrong ideas, disagree with them, The knightly way is to protect and care for the people! Do you think being a nuisance to people is a duty?" Sierra had exploded. That was the simplest way to put her feelings. Explode. Sodia and Witcher both flinched at her outburst of outrage.
[Unlike you Sierra, Sodia is still a Knight, therefore she must follow orders and at this point you haven't revealed that Alexei is the antagonist.]
"I-I did it because I b-believed in him, the C- no, Alexei." She stammered out, purely scared at what she could do. She didn't know what Flynn was thinking of her, but she could definitely tell what Sierra was thinking.
[Alexei isn't removed from his position as Commandant until after the Sword Stair of Zaphias.]
Anger. Disgust. Disrespect. Or ADD.
[Attention-Deficit Disorder is a mental illness, not an emotion.]
"You still believed him, even though you knew he was doing the wrong things? What would happen if Flynn here told you to go die? Would you do it?" She asked, creating a scene. Flynn, nor anyone for that matter, wanted to get involved, but Sierra had already involved him, whether he liked it or not.
"I wouldn't." She said, quite confidently. Sierra sighed, unclenching her fist. She didn't want to start pulling out punches, but in her 'anger fit' she wouldn't know. It was as if someone possessed her momentarily, pulling out the built up anger in her.
"So, I presume, according to what I heard that Lady Estellise is in Baction?" She asked, smiling again. Everyone, well, apart from four people, were shocked. Shocked at her sudden change of mood.
"That was a huge..." Karol started, but he could figure out the last two words.
"Mood swing, nanoja." Patty finished for him. ('nanoja' is the English written form of the Japanese characters な, の and じゃ, Patty's catchphrase)
[You know I want to comment on this, but it's just bad.]
"Yes. I have no idea what the C-no, Alexei is doing, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Lady Estellise. Please, rescue her! I'll do what I can about the other parts of his plan." And she left, Witcher following her, but he waved before he left. She smiled slightly at the wave before turning around.
"So… where is this 'Baction' place?" Yuri asked. Sierra looked at the other people's faces, which looked directly at her. She shrugged.
"Why look at me? I'm just as clueless as you on this one." Sierra said, smiling sadly. So, everyone turned their eyes on Flynn. He looked at them nervously, but if you looked carefully, you could see the small bit of confidence written on his face.
[Holy shit! Something she doesn't know!]
"I've heard of it. They say it's in the middle of Hyponia-" He was about to continue when Rita started to run.
"Rita! Where are you going?" Yuri shouted. Rita turned around and gave him the 'why the hell are you asking' look
"Rescuing Estelle! No point standing here and waiting for her!" She shouted, like her face said, with the 'why the hell are you asking' tone.
And all the rest of the group did was follow her.
With Flynn lagging behind, of course.
Once Judith had called Ba'ul, they were in the air, on their way to Hyponia. Basically, where they started, as the Egothor Forest was on Hyponia in the first place. So, in a few words, they went around in circles!
But as they flew over the forest, they saw something large. A large robot, if you could call it like that, 'walking' in the sea.
[Heracles was on the ground next to Baction, not in the ocean. Above Baction is nothing but mountains before the ocean can be reached.]
And all Judith did was stare at something.
[We know what this something is, you just explained it incorrectly, it's not a robot.]
The cannon. Sierra's face paled significantly as she could hear the sound of something familiar. The activation of the laser cannon on….
And then there was a large beam of a bright, white light, which, after it stopped, a really loud shriek could be heard. And Judith's face was all screwed up, in concentration. And then her face paled.
[Shoop da whoop!]
"That… that shriek was… an Entelexeia… getting hit." She blurted out slowly, each word like a knife to everyone's bodies, slicing them. Sierra sighed and gave the… walking whatchamacallit, a disgusted look before disappearing into the spacious confines of the cabins. Flynn looked at the thing in confusion before, well, running off into the shadows, as they say.
[You call it Heracles.]
Sierra was sitting on her side of the bunk bed. The top one on the left most corner of the cabin. She shared it with Patty, which, to your surprise, she keeps cook books under the bed. She just laid there, staring at the ceiling. A flashback had hit her.
[I hope it hurt.]
It all happened in Desier. The continent of Desier. The boiling hot place. The place where the Sands of Kogorh is. They, as in Sierra and Linda were in Mantaic, resting. But that's not where it happened.
It was in the Sands of Kogorh were they were trying to reach Yormgen, the place of Linda's heritage.
Once Linda had axed the heck out of a normal monster, which wasn't too unknown to the place, they saw something that didn't look in place.
A flying, looking mon- ok, ok, forget the description. You'll shouldn know what he looks like, they saw Phaeroh.
[Just say that to begin with instead of fishing for more of a word count.]
"What is that thing?" Linda asked Sierra. But all she did was tremble in her shoes. She had no idea what it was. And it was taller than her, menacing.
"You. The one with blue hair." Since Linda had brown hair, Sierra looked at the head of the…ok, ok I'll stop calling the Entelexeia, it.
"You are dangerous to this world. You are an insipid poison to this world, but do not fear. I will not kill you now. There is another one like you I will watch first. Shall that one fail in proving me wrong, then you shall both die. Until we meet again, farewell." And the monster disappeared.
[Oh surprise fucking surprise.]
Linda looked at her, confused. She was trembling in her shoes, and looked like she was freezing to death, when the reality was that they were melting to death.
[Hot isn't it? It's actually iced coffee. I had Genis make it cold. I lied, it's actually hot.]
And they never went there again, as the two turned back, and headed back to Mantaic.
When she opened her eyes, that's when she realized that she was swearing and panting, like she woke up from a horrific nightmare.
[I wish I could wake up.]
Me: Hi.
Yuri: That's my line.
[As well as another several million people.]
Me: Well, whatever. As I might have forgotten to mention, this is an AU. Well, not one hundred percent, but it is. And is it Yeager or Regaey that speaks with the funny accent? I really can't be bothered figuring it out, and I can't remember since the last time I play the game was a few years ago. All I remember is that one of them can't pronounce their 'b's properly and says them as 'v's.
[No, Regaey had a stutter. Also, the game has only been out for just over a year, not "a few years". You're just saying that so it actually looks like you owned it at some point. Though you've clearly indicated several times that you haven't.]
Yuri: Whatever.
Raven: Oh! Oh! Can I do the disclaimer!
[Great, he's 4 years old now.]
Me: Whatever go ahead.
Raven: This charming lady doesn't own anything, apart from the original character, who is also good looking. And she would really love ta see you review.
[Charming isn't the word I'd use.]
Me: ... Not love. Just... I'd like to see.
Yuri: Oh hell.
Sierra was mentioned 35 times in this chapter.