Looking forward to seeing what Draco has planned and what Harry's visit with Ron will be like. I really hope Ron is sincere and not just trying to find things out from Harry so Ginny can have something to use against him.
Oh, I liked this chapter!! I love it when Harry gets to fly, because he loves that! =) Can't wait to see more. I wonder what the talk with Ron will be like. I hope it goes well! =)
Actually, Harry's changed his mind about that. The casual sex really isn't working for him, and that's one of the things he wants to tell Draco. Of course, he wants to stop it altogether, because he thinks it was a mistake, while Draco wants to deepen the emotions.
Comments 9
Draco's feelings have just been upped a notch, haven't they? I guess a powerful, determined, windblown Harry can have that effect...
Have I told you lately how much I love this story???
Draco has at least determined that, yes, he would rather like to spend more time with Harry.
You have, but always feel free to tell me again. :)
(Sorry, I'm playing catch-up again, but I just had to leave a comment).
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