Title: An Alchemical Discontent
Disclaimer: J. K. Rowling and associates own these characters. I am writing this story for fun and not profit.
Rating: PG-13, mostly for innuendo and some light sexual content.
Pairings: Harry/Draco preslash turning into slash, Draco/Daphne Greengrass.
Warnings: DH SPOILERS, ignores epilogue. Past character death.
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Comments 50
lovely by the way
And thanks!
I wasn't expecting it so soon (not complaining, btw). Interesting chapter- the plot thickens.
'Grounded' to me means about what you're saying it does, yes. I'm glad you like it. The effect of plain description is one that can grate on a reader's nerves, especially in dramatic scenes, but I think it really does work for this story.
Harry will continue with his impulse, ill-thought-out plans for a while.
Kind of canon, yes- though Draco actually married Daphne's younger sister, who may or may not exist in this world.
And I do! I write them more often in novels, because most of the time in one-shots I feel I can't build up the relationship properly (and I think Harry and Draco have too many obstacles to overcome to just jump into bed like that). But the third story will probably have one.
If Harry can figure out how to use his influence, he will.
And thanks for leaving long, long comments!
Harry and his rash actions (and budding feelings for certain blonds)are, as usual, very endearing.
Daphne will be playing- a role usually reserved for male characters, really.
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