found another cool survey (took it from
-The Basics-
Name~: Isabelle
Age~: 19
Town~: Aalst
School~: Gent college (RUG)
Height~: 5'6"
Guy (yours, your celeb crush, random person)~: don't really have a crush, but of course there are some celebs that I find handsome(Heath Ledger, Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, Jude Law)
Nicknames~: Lomylia, Lom, wuffelken,...
Group in school~: not really in a specific group,lol
-When you wake up...-
..the first thing you think?: ...just five more minutes
..the first thing you do?: turn of my alarm clock
.. the first thing you see?: my alarm clock
...the first thing you WANT to see?: ...nothing in particular
... the place your usually going?: college
Best friend(s)~: I have a few good friends, but not really best friends
People you usually hang with~: anyone that crosses my path,lol
People youd love to see get there ass kicked~: no one really
Things done after school/work~: study, go online, do some chores,...
Things done on weekends~: same as above :)
Boyfriend/Girlfriend~: nope
Ok, crush~: nope
Bf-Gfs/Crushes/Random guys name~: no one
Why...~: cuz that's just the way it is,lol
Do you understand the opposite gender?: there's really not that much to understand,lol
What do you love most about em~: the way they get along...they don't make a fuss about nothing like girls do
Hate?: the way they say they're listening, but when you ask 'em something it's obvious they haven't heard a thing your saying
More girl or guy friends~: about the same
Why~: ???
Hot but horrible or ugly but sweet~: if someone's sweet he'll look good, despite how good or bad his looks are
-Do you/Are you/Do you wish you...-
Smoke?: nope
Drink?: one rare occasions, but never too much
Virgin?: yes
Done anything with the opposite sex?: none of your business,lol
Gotten high?: no
Skinny Dipped?: maybe when I was a todler
Fly?: I wish I could
Sing?: yes, when no one's listening,lol
Play an instrument?: nope
Last time you cried?: an hour ago
Last time you laughed?: yesterday
Last time you said: ...
Last time you said I loved you?: too long ago
Last time you ment it?: again...too long ago
Do you want to move?: no
Do you like your family?: sure, they're weird, but nice,lol
What calms you down?: being alone
Gets you riled up?: a lot of people yelling to each other
Favorite song~: at the moment: the mummur's dance
Favorite band~: goo goo dolls & maroon 5
You like music?: yep
In a band?: no
Song that makes you cry~: into the west - Annie Lennox
Most memorable song~: into the west - Annie Lennox
Best type of music~: anything really
Song that makes you dance~: Turn me on - Kevin Little
-Remember when...-
Most embarrassing memory~: falling, sliding over the floor and banging my head against a wall in front of...let's say 100 people
Most hurtful memory~: ...
Memory that makes you happy~: ...
Overall best memory~: ...
Anything you regret?: yes, but I can't turn back time
Anything you wish you could have done but didnt?: yes
Are you sad this is ending?: nope
Anything you'd like to add -: not really :)