Okay, I finally did it! I wrote my first ever fanfiction! It's one of those spur of the moment things, completely un-betad, so all mistakes are mine. I don't really know this disclaimer thing, but I'll do my best! ;-)
wanderlonely, this is for you! It's your "punishment" for constantly bugging me to write fanfiction. LOL! Thank you
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Comments 24
And the t-shirt is so House!! ROFL
I can't believe this is your first fic. It's very well done, in-character, and the t-shirt is the priceless! Great job! :)
You are going to write another, right...? (hint-hint)
That really was a spur of the moment thing, I still can't believe that I actually did it! I just saw that damn Anti-Valentines Day slogan and simply KNEW that I WANTED to have a story where House is wearing a pink shirt with that text at work!! And there was no other way than writing it!
I'm still not entirely sure about grammar and such things! So if you see anything (and I'm sure there are a few things) that could be done better, let me know, please!!! I value your opinion on this a lot!!!
Well, I really don't know if I'll write another story anytime soon. We'll see. Maybe inspiration will strike again?!? If that will happen (very unlikely, but still...), could I ask you to beta (at least English is your mother tongue, right?)?!? *innocent smile*
(You know I'm teasing, right? lol I knew that English wasn't your mother tongue, but I often forget because you speak it so well.)
If you write another story, I'd be honored to beta. :)
Since you asked, here's one thing I noticed earlier:
He waggled his eyebrows suggestively at his favorite administrator while he took a visibly pride stance, finally revealing his shirt completely.
Change "pride" to "proud"... and that's such a small matter, I almost feel ashamed for bringing it up!
No, I seriously don't want to appear cocky or anything, I'm just a perfectionist and therefor always a little bit apprehensive and worried about my English!
Thank you so much! Don't worry that probably won't happen anytime soon. But then... who knows? I seriously didn't think I'd write any fanfiction in my whole life about 24 hours ago.
Done! Thanks for pointing that out!!! I was actually trying to find an equivalent translation for a common German phrase and obviously failed. LOL! But if that's your only complaint my story can't have been that bad.
Now, THAT was cocky, urgh!!! *hides in shame*
House is still House, lol, but I like him in this way. ;)
And I really love my punishment. ♥
Annnnd I won't mind more "punishment".....::hints hints:: ;)
More please! ♥
Yeah, if I punish, I punish good. LOL! You little masochist, you!!! ;-P
I'm soooo glad you like it!!! ♥
We'll see, okay? I must admit that I really enjoyed writing this! I don't know when I'll have enough time again, but I'll try! That's all I can promise you!
Great job! :)
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