I had one of them yesterday.
I don't know where to start, so I'll just ramble a bit and see if things can reach coherency.
English 303 at SUNY b-port is "Introduction to Literary Analysis"
My professor runs the class like Oprah's Book Club.
My professor reads his reviews on RateMyProfessor.com
He assigned a paper, our first paper. He wrote that it should 1250-1500 words. Yet, in class he said 1200-1500 words. My paper came in at 1211 words.
He seemed proud of his self-appointed title of "I'm a Fair Grader". I was sick and at home with the flu when this paper was due. I had a fever of 101 while I was writing and revising my paper prior to submitting it ON TIME. None of this was taken in to consideration in grading my paper.
He spent 15min in class glossing over the requirements for the paper. It's 15% of my final grade. Papers, in general, are 80% of my grade. D'ya think that they deserve more attention to them in class?
HE GAVE MY PAPER A 0%, not an F
he his justification: "I don't get your argument. It seems incoherent. Isn't it obvious what you're trying to say? So obvious that you shouldn't have written a paper on it?"
The hypocrisy abounds!
Fair grader, FAH! I was in bed with the flu writing this damn paper because you were a hardass when discussing late papers.
My argument? It's based on actually being a writer of fiction. Which is something I don't think you've ever done.
Word length? Maybe you should pay more attention to what comes out of your mouth and the connotation of what you say! Don't fucking contradict yourself.
Comments? If my argument was so obvious, why didn't YOU understand it?
So, I pissed. If you couldn't already tell.
He's such a fucking hypocritical ASSHAT! And as an asshat, a hat you wear over your ass, he catches every noxious emanation and inconsistent noise that spews forth from his own asshole and carries them around as a pseudo-fashionable affectation.
Professor Austin Busch
e-mail: abusch@brockport.edu
office: rm 207d Hartwell Hall