New Fanfic (yay)
Title: Point of View
Author: Lone Wolf
Rating: PG-13, i said fuck...bad me
Fandom: Harry Potter
Type: Missing scene(day)
Spoilers: Takes place during book 6, so beware.
Pairing: D/Hr
Harry once again approached the room of Requirement, wand ready, cloak on and ready to pace. He was sure that he would wear a hole in the carpet sooner or later. These times had not only become his desperate struggle to enter the room, but also a time to think. It was rare he had a moment alone. Suddenly he was pulled from his thoughts by a familiar voice, Snape.
“I need somewhere to hide,” he thought desperately as he paced faster, and to his relief, the door appeared. Even if Draco was not there, and this room did not contain whatever it was Draco was working on, it would do for now to escape Snape. He threw it open and ducked inside diving behind a rather large trunk of sorts.
The door had closed and after a moment, Snape’s shadow passed by without even a second glance. Harry breathed a deep sigh of relief and gripped the trunk to get up when he heard the slow sneering drawl, “What are YOU doing here Potter?” At last, he had caught Malfoy!
“I think the better question would be to ask you what you are doing here Malfoy. I know what you’re up to.”
“Oh do you Potter?’ Draco moved very close to Harry and placed his hand on the trunk Harry was still holding onto. “Well why don’t you tell…” He stopped, his voice had changed, and he wasn’t looking at Harry, he was looking at…himself? Except he would never have looked that stupid in his life; his own body was staring at him dumb founded.
The Draco spoke timidly “M…M…Malfoy, where are you?!”
Draco knew immediately what had happened. “Potter you really are stupid aren’t you? I’m standing in front of you. I’d say you’d better take a look in the mirror.”
The Draco that was really Harry moved nervously to the mirror and screamed in horror when he saw who he was.
“Oh come off it Potter, it could be much worse; you could be in the body I’m in. Oh wait, that is your normal body, I don’t pity you at all then, you definitely got the better end of the deal.”
“Temper temper, I didn’t do anything Potter. It was obviously the trunk that did it, this all happened when I touched it. For being everyone’s hero you certainly aren’t very observant.”
“Then let’s touch it again so I can get out of your body before I become sick.”
“Fine by me, but I doubt it will work Potter.”
“Why not, Malfoy?”
“Because it’s never is that simple. But get your arse over here and try it, we have nothing to loose but our dignity, oh wait, I already lost all that when I was stuck in your body.”
Harry who looked a rather bit blonder than usual sulked over and set his hand on the trunk next to Malfoy’s, and closed his eyes.
Malfoy just stared at himself that was really Harry. “Potter you have an amazing ability to make me look like a prat, now get out of my way.”
“Where are you going Malfoy?”
“Where do you think? My Common Room? Because I would so get in the door stuck in your stunted body.” Harry actually managed the Malfoy sneer; Draco couldn’t help but find it appealing. “I’m going to see the Headmaster, Potter, and I would suggest you come along, I know that’s the best body you’ve ever had but I want it back, I have a reputation to keep.”
Draco pushed past Harry and made his way out of the room and towards the Headmaster’s office. He could hear Harry shuffling behind him. He could not imagine how bad Harry was making him look. As he was steps from the Headmaster’s office a bushy head flashed in front of his path. “Harry! Where have you been?!”
“Out of my way Mud…Grang…Hermione,” Draco had received two hard jabs in the back from Harry prompting his corrections, “Har…Draco and I need to see the Headmaster, we just caught Snape performing unmentionable sexual acts to Mrs. Norris.” It sounded like something Potter would accuse Snape of, or at least Potter possessed by Draco. He looked back at Potter who looked as disgusted as Granger and the Weasel. “I’ll see you later tonight, sorry, this can’t wait.” He kissed Hermione’s forehead; he didn’t know why, just seemed like something Potter would do.
He spoke the password (Buttery Nugget) and entered the staircase with Potter behind him who hissed into his ear “What’d you do that for?”
“What? Kiss her forehead? Isn’t that some friendly greeting you Gryffindors do?”
“Not unless we’re dating! Now she’s going to think I fancy her, and I don’t, Ron does!”
“Wait, that’s how you greet when you’re dating? In Slytherin we just…Hello Professor.” Dumbledore had a creepy habit of sneaking up on him.
“Hello boys, as neither of you are trying to kill each other and Mr. Potter just said ‘In Slytherin we,’ I’m guessing you have a bit of a problem.”
“You are entirely perceptive, professor.” Potter was such an arse kisser.
“I assume you two touched the Trunk of Gordonious?”
“THAT was what that was?!?! Why didn’t you put a sign on it or something!?” Draco glared at the Headmaster malevolently.
“What’s that Professor?”
“Merlin Potter, don’t you read?” Potter just looked at him.
“The trunk, Harry, is a devise that temporarily allows people to switch consciousnesses. Many people like to use it just before they are to be killed hoping to survive, unfortunately that practice kills both participants.”
Potter looked terrified, “I can’t die in HIS body!”
“I would consider it an honor, Potter.”
“No no, neither of you will die. Its affects only last for a day, you will be back to normal when you wake up in the morning. So, That being said, I would suggest you make the best of it and just try to blend in so no one is the wiser. Each of you should exchange passwords to your Common Room and I will instruct the portraits to change them tomorrow. Now, I believe dinner is about to be served, so let us all go down and enjoy a good meal.” Dumbledore’s eyes were twinkling in that way that let Draco know he was royally screwed and Dumbledore was having a good laugh at it.
They entered the hall and Draco instinctively moved a step towards his table till Potter pushed him in the proper direction, towards the bobbing, bushy haired beaver, whose teeth really were much better now, not that he wouldn’t ever admit that out loud. He sat next to her and across from the flaming Weasel and laid his head down. Hermione in her typical do-gooder way was instantly questioning, “Are you alright Harry?”
“I’m fine G…Hermione, I’m just not hungry.”
“But it’s Kidney Pie, it’s your favorite,” she prodded him with the bowl.
“Thanks, but I just can’t get the look on Mrs. Norris’ face out of my head.”
Ron went pale and set down his food rather quickly. Grinning in satisfaction Draco picked up his head and took a bite of the Kidney pie and smiled at Hermione. Nothing gave him more pleasure than Weasely’s discomfort, except maybe Potters’s, and Potter looked very uncomfortable with his head down at the Slytherin table. He was apparently doing a good job pulling off one of Draco’s grumpy moods because everyone at the table looked nervous. For an idiot, Potter was a good actor.
When the tables were cleared they made their way to the Common Room, Ron announcing plan to practice Quidditch (and boy did he need it), and Hermione planning to study. Draco only said he needed to relax after his trying day. No one seemed ready to protest, it was good Potter was so fragile, he wondered how Potter would react when Pansy came to his bed that night for their nightly sessions between the sheets. Not well he predicted, oh well, she wasn’t very good anyways.
He laid down on the bed he knew to be Harry’s mostly because of the relative mess surrounding it and the few Quidditch books, all of which Draco had read. He glanced through Harry’s things, not one book Draco hadn’t read cover to cover at least twice! Potter really didn’t ever read! Disgraceful. Draco needed stimulation, his brain was not good at sitting idle. He made his way to the girl’s dormitory, he knew Hermione would be loaded in books, he could just imagine the stock pile she…
He had been pulled back, he looked around quickly, no one was there. He moved forward again, and was pulled back. The bloody Gryffindors had a charm to keep boys out of the girls’ dormitory! What was the world coming to? Such a thing would never be heard of in Slytherin. He supposed he could go to the library, but his lazy tendencies were seeping out today. A first year girl came in the portrait hole.
“You there! Do me a favor!” The girl looked terrified. This was pathetic. “I need you to get Hermione for me, ok?” He spoke slowly in his nicest voice possible. The girl nodded, whimpered, and tore up the stairs.
Several seconds later Hermione came down the stairs, “What is it Harry?” She was in her pajamas, it was white cotton with pants and a shirt, she looked like an angel with her bushy hair framed in the torch light, not that Draco noticed or anything.
“I uh…need to borrow a book.”
“Have you lost your Transfiguration book again?”
“Uh, no, I’m just bored and want to read something and thought you might have something good.”
Apparently this had never been said to Hermione because she nearly fell over. “Um, yeah Harry, come on up”
“I can’t, the barrier.”
“What? That should be disabled; I gave you permission through weeks ago, strange. I’ll have to have it checked into. Anyways, you have my permission as a Prefect to enter, come on then.” And without another word she headed up the stairs.
Draco took a deep breath and head for the barrier, and this time made it through.
Hermione led him to her room and bent over a trunk full of book. Draco felt his mouth grow wet with desire. He would never admit it, but he was a closet book worm. He took two large steps and was at the trunk, eagerly digging through the volumes, happy to find several he hadn’t read. Hermione looked at him quizzically. “Harry…since when do you literally get excited over books?”
“Since I got smart.”
Hermione pulled his face towards her fast and stares into his eyes searching for something. Draco just looked back, a little afraid.
“Draco?!” She said it in almost a whisper. The room was empty, but he immediately shushed her.
“How did you find out Granger?”
“Well you keep calling me Granger, and you like to read, your neater and you humor is more sadistic. But the real question is what are you doing in Harry’s body?”
“Believe me freckles, it wasn’t my choice. But don’t worry; we’ll be back to normal tomorrow so Dumbledore just told us to pretend like nothing had changed until it does.” He hadn’t realized he had taken hold of her upper arms and was sitting so close to her. He slowly released her and looked at her eyes, they were searching his. It was almost as if she was seeing him for the first time.
In fact, he too was seeing her for the first time; she had never spoken to him in anyway other than if he was Malfoy. Today she had. A thought crossed his mind that was unthinkable, yet what did he have to loose. He leaned in and kissed her. At first she withdrew, but he held her for one second, and she didn’t pull away anymore. He kissed her and ran his fingers through her curls. She slid her arms around his waist sliding deeper into the kiss until a door slammer somewhere down the hall startling her. She looked at him, suddenly confused; in a slightly angry tone she hoarsely whispered “Leave Malfoy, you shouldn’t be here.”
“I said go!”
“Can’t I at least borrow a book?”
Draco bolted down the stairs and back to his dormitory, or Harry’s he should say. Two hours ago he would have done anything to be Draco Malfoy again, and now as he lay down in his bed he wished nothing more than to be Harry Potter for just one more day.
He awoke in the morning, not to the sunlight of the Gryffindor Tower, but to the dank darkness of the dudgeons. He cursed inwardly. He walked to the mirror and saw himself, and for once he didn’t see the attractive Malfoy he had always seen, but the scum which he knew she saw. He slowly turned on the water to wash his face, and brought the water to his skin just as one tear left his eye.
He pulled on his robes and walked down to the Great Hall, he saw her in the crowd just ahead of him. As if she knew he was there, she turned her head over her shoulder and looked at him stair in the eyes, before slowly turning back, and he knew he would never have another chance. In one day his entire perspective had changed, but now he had work to complete, and in order to do that he would have to forget the kiss. When she knew what he was planning, she would think him a monster, even more so than she already did; and for once, he understood her point of view.