Title: Those Darn Alien Customs
Day/Theme: 28th March 2011; cold shower
Series: Stargate: SG-1 (early seasons)
Character/Pairing: Jack, Sam, Teal'c, Daniel; light Sam/Jack
Rating: T (for your imagination)
It had started off so innocently.
Tradition, the local women had chorused as they'd marched Carter away the moment they'd been invited into the guest quarters, while the rest of the team were to wait there. With nothing to do, it had been an exercise in boredom.
And then Carter had stepped back into the tent.
Jack stared.
Daniel was hunched over on the ground, still coughing his lungs out from when he'd choked on taking a gulp from his canteen.
Teal'c... was suspiciously silent.
Jack never blinked even once.
Still standing at the entrance, Carter shifted uneasily - a very un-Carter-like action - while all this was happening. She looked, for lack of a better term, nervous... and were his eyes failing him in his old age (unlikely, considering how much detail they seemed to be absorbing) or was she actually blushing?
"Sir, you're staring."
At that, Jack allowed himself to say only one thing.
"Where's the nearest well?"