Title: Eden Denied
Day/Theme: 30th March 2011; you can't get there from here
Series: Shin Seiki Evangelion (End of Evangelion)
Character/Pairing: Gendo; Gendo/Yui
Rating: G
He had been close. So, so close.
But at the last minute Rei had betrayed him. She had stolen Adam from him and cast him aside in an ironic twist of what he would have done to her.
He could only watch, helpless and weak, as she turned away from him and chose his son over him. Shinji... she had deemed Shinji worthier of making the choice, of having the final say.
It was quite the bitter pill to swallow.
Everything that he had sacrificed, everything that he had endured, just to achieve this day... only for the proverbial door to slam shut in his face.
All he'd wanted was to get Yui back. It was the last thought that crossed his mind before the darkness claimed him.