Title: For Lack of Words Day/Theme: 11th December 2010; what shall I say from a heart that loves you? Series: Tales of the Abyss Character(s)/Pairing(s): Tear, Luke; Luke/Tear Rating: G Notes: Set during and contains spoilers for the end of Eldrant. Angst.
Title: Twisted Fates Day/Theme: 7th December 2010; the cancer of your affection Series: Yosuga no Sora Character(s)/Pairing(s): Haruka, Sora; Haruka/Sora Rating: M/NC-17 for subject material Notes: Twincest. Angst. Warnings have thus been issued. Ignore at your own volition.
Challenge #: 003 - Divide and Conquer Title: Mercurial Loyalties Word Count: 492 Pairings: Slight Suzaku/Euphemia Rating/Warnings: T for violence; spoilers for the entire series. Summary: At the end of the day and ironically just like Lelouch, Suzaku was loyal only to an ideal.
Title: Infinite Possibilities Day/Theme: 22nd October 2010; other worlds than these Series: Code Geass Character(s)/Pairing(s): Lelouch, C.C.; Lelouch/C.C. Rating: G Notes: Set post R2. Contains a hidden reference to another series.
Title: Like Bottled Sunshine Day/Theme: 19th October 2010; vibrant Series: Spice and Wolf Character(s)/Pairing(s): Lawrence, Holo; Holo/Lawrence Rating: G Notes: Almost any time post Season 1 Episode 6.
Title: Simple Solace Day/Theme: 16th October 2010; we shall always be alone Series: Code Geass Character(s)/Pairing(s): C.C., Lelouch; Lelouch/C.C. Rating: G Notes: Set post R2.
Title: Separation Anxiety Day/Theme: 15th October 2010; maybe is a vicious little word Series: Bleach Character(s)/Pairing(s): Ichigo, Rukia; IchiRuki Rating: G Notes: Post Chapter 423. Angst, of course.
Challenge #: 003 - Divide and Conquer Title: The Name of the Game Word Count: 480 Pairings: Implied Lelouch/C.C. Rating/Warnings: G; spoilers up to Turn 20. Summary: C.C. - reluctant spectator, willing accomplice, formidable player. But for whom does she move?