Well GIR was damaged last year. It took me a while to find the materials to repair him and I thought I'd share the photos of his repair job so everone could get a idea how he was constructed
Huge picture dump behind cut
One of the damaged eyes, it was beyond repair
Damaged eye beside new eye
I had to repaint the eyes, painted eyes beside some back up food domes in their original state
Ahhh! Blind GIR! I'm adding in new fabric around the eyeholes to get the eye domes to fit better and look better at the same time. Finished eye at the top the untouched eye at the bottom
Looking in through his eye to see his inner structor, most of it is for balancing the forward whieght of the eydomes and to lend strength to the ears
Just another angle of the inside
What the finished repair job will look like. Right now the repaired domes are just set in place
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