I finally saw The Hunger Games yesterday
The whole time while I was sitting there waiting for the movie to start I kept thinking “I can’t believe I’m really going to see The Hunger Games…in the cinema”. I'd been so excited to see it every since they announced that they were going to turn the books into movies. And now I could actually watch it :D
This movie was perfect! I loved it!
Cinna! Oh Cinna, my Cinna. I love Cinna and I think Lenny did an amazing job. He didn’t have nearly enough scenes (though I’d probably still say this, if he’d been in every scene), but I loved what Lenny did with the character. Pefect! And Josh, holy cow. He is Peeta! I didn’t have any doubts about that but if I’d had some he would have proved me wrong, such an amazing performance! And Jennifer, as we all know, is Katniss! Everything about her performance was perfect, every single line was delivered flawlessly. Liam obviously didn’t have a lot of screentime but I loved that we got to see glimpses of Gale’s reaction.
I know that some people weren’t pleased with some things, some changes or even some casting choices. But I loved everything about this movie, every single minute of it. It was such a rush. Maybe, after seeing it a few more times I might be able to “review” it, but I’ve never been good at reviewing things.
Anyway, I love the movie! Now I just need to see it without the german dubbing even though it wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been.