_Name; Leslie
_Age; 27
_Sex; Female
_Location; Palm Bay, Florida, USA
_What form(s) of SI did you use?; Cutting (razors, metal), stabbing (needles, sharp objects), burning, keeping wound from healing, hitting myself.
_How long did you SI for?; From the age of 16 'til 23.
_Why did you feel it was necessary to SI?; I was dealing with so many issues .. I couldn't find a proper release. After a failed suicide attempt .. I turned to SI.
_When did you start to consider yourself a former Self Injurer?; April 28, 2003. I cut myself up pretty bad the night before & decided I had to change things. I haven't done it since. Though it's still a struggle.
_What made you want to stop the most?; My son. & now both my kids keep me going.
_What reactions bother you most when/if people find out you used to SI?; When people think I am disgusting.
_Was there a major scare or change in your life that made you want to stop?; Not really, just a realization.
_Are you on, or were you on, any medication(s)? If yes, what for and which one(s)?; I was on Zoloft, briefly, but stopped. The side effects were getting to me. I haven't been on meds since.
_If you could change the past, would you have ever started? Why or why not?; I am not sure.. really. I think that it made me the person I am today. & I am realizing I am not too bad.
_What have you discovered to help you cope with things differently?; Honestly? Karaoke. It has become a love/obsession of mine & it's great to express myself that way. I also write more, spend time with friends & game a lot.
_Pick five adjectives to describe yourself; creative, passionate, loyal, complicated, blossoming
_How do you think/wish/hope this community can help you?; I want to connect to others who might be feeling the same things I am. Especially if they are at the same stage of life I am in. While my friends, boyfriend & loved ones are there for me.. they don't completely understand. My boyfriend is a counselor.. (ironic!) .. & sometimes views things too clinically.
_Would you be willing to accept IMs in someone's time of need?; Yes, if I am online. Emails as well.
_If yes, what is your AIM, Yahoo, and/or MSN messenger for our
l_ssupport page?; I am usually on AIM, either: sheisbreakingsky or now she shines. Yahoo, I am "squeeworthy". I don't have an MSN. My email is julietsrefrain@gmail.com.