Semi-live commentary. Woo. (Okay, so I'm listening to a recorded version of the play, but live for me.)
+ Jack, Ianto, Gwen! I have missed thee too!
+ Welsh accents! Oh, am I glad that Torchwood is back.
+ Now that the reunion is done...I still maintain that all of the actors sound funny on radio, JB especially. I dunno, it just sounds more forced than on screen. Maybe that's just me, though, and it's not really enough to put me off.
+ Jack and Ianto with the gun/radar/remote control is hilarious. xD As is Jack and the motorbike. I'm glad to see that light-hearted!Jack is still around, because I was suspecting that we wouldn't really be seeing too much of him.
+ Oh, I love PC Andy. <3 Him and his bickering with Gwen :D
+ Ohhh dear, bleak picture of the future. No power, rations...
+ I love how Jack says Ianto's name. Ahaha. I really do.
+ "Frieda's an alien?!"
+ Frieda has some really lovely poetical lines. I like them.
+ Gwen and Andy bickering, again. I love it. XD And I'm glad that Andy's found out about Torchwood at long last. Poor chap, he was in the dark for so long.
+ "What is it, smash my patience day?"
+ Yay Andy sticking up for the human side. Except he sounds like Gwen, which isn't quite so good. xD
+ "That's the thing about overt operations, you don't have to be subtle." "I like your style." XD
+ The dandelion clock spaceships image is so pretty.
+ Retcon isn't just a simple solution to any problem. Sure, Torchwood have to give it out, but they shouldn't offer it.
+ And here is the Torchwood link to what's happened, other than her coming through the Rift.
+ IANTO! You've been too quiet!
+ "Torchwood isn't run by committee, you know!" - poor Jack, feeling that his authority is undermined. xD
+ Ooh, nice music. I like. And nice ending lines from Frieda.
+ Haha the cast announcer guy has a funny pronounciation of 'Ianto'.
So, overall it was pretty good. The plot's been done before, though, the whole random person from another time/place gets stranded in Cardiff circa 2009. Except that that date is wrong; everything in the Whoniverse is now a year ahead of 'real' time after Aliens of London where Rose came back after a year instead of twelve hours, so it should actually be 2010 in Torchwood-land.
Not as funny as I remember Lost Souls being, but that's okay. Andy definitely had the best lines, there wasn't nearly enough Ianto (or Jack for that matter), and pretty much no continuity stuff. Hopefully there'll be some more shippy stuff in one of the plays tomorrow, though. But yeah, pretty good. Has definitely got me excited about next week!
Only spoilers for Torchwood: Asylum in comments, plzkthx!