I am breathless. Wow.
The best part was Ianto bulldozing Jack out of his cement cell. That was a stroke of genius. The naked!Jack in the quarry wasn't exactly bad either. xD Gwen and Rhys are just adorable together, and I think Rhys would make an excelled extra Torchwood dude (which he seems to be doing), and them being 'undercover' was great. PC Andy love <3333. Okay, so he's an idiot for talking too much and telling the evil bitch woman of doom where Gwen lives, but I can't help but love him. I had a feeling that Lois was going to help out Torchwood in someway, and maybe she'll be a team member by the end of the week, if she doesn't die? Frobisher clearly has something to hide, I'll be interested to find out what. I love Ianto's sister even more today, and roughed-up!Ianto was just mmm.
I wasn't too keen on the team being so separated for pretty much the whole episode, and there was certainly not enough Jack in this. Jack's living corpse thing was really, really gross, but I've certainly come on - a couple of years ago I couldn't even have looked at it and I didn't look away once. Spooky kids again, definitely more scary today. There was hardly any Clem, which was a shame because I think he's going to be pivotal somewhere down the line.
What else, what else? Of course Gwen was going to tell Rhys that she's pregnant in some place that's not quite as appropriate as the couch or whatever. All I could think as the firemen were searching the Hub ruins was WHAT HAPPENED TO MYFANWY?!?! Hopefully she was let out at some point and wasn't in there when it got blown up because somehow I doubt a pterodactyl could survive that. After all, Jack had to completely regrow his body (and at least he knows that even being blown apart - essentially decapitation and dismemberment) can't kill him. I liked Jack in the quarry saying, "see, I told you I'd come back!", which tied in nicely with the scene yesterday and also what he said in Journey's End - he does seem to keep his promises when he says that, which is good to know.
I preferred yesterday's episode to be honest, but this is still the best series of Torchwood ever.
Spoilers only for aired episodes in comments, plzkthx.