just came home with some bad news....
...when we were living with Frank and Jesse, Frank had this dog, Runa...she was the sweetest dog...super hyper all the time...psychotic even...:)...she was so soft...she was a gorgeous black lab...she ahd some medical problems; she'd been hit by a car twice and starved and beaten by previous owners...I loved that dog like I love my cat and other pets that I've lived with for years...well, mom came home today, and told my brother and I that Runa was dead...apparently the landlord where Frank and Chrissie live ((after we left, Jesse moved out too, and then Frank got married to Chrissie)) had decided there was a rat problem, and put out rat poison...and they're assuming Runa ate one of the rats that had eaten the poison...I guess all last night she was coughing and hacking like usual, and apparently it got really bad, and she died sometime that's just, like, really sudden. Ever since Frank got married, he's been a prick to everyone, and I saw Runa a few months ago...I haven't seen her since Frank started his royal bitchiness...and now she's suddenly best friend Jamie had a puppy, Reggie...I loved that puppy too...many a time I tried to convince them to let me take him home, ya know? So cute...charpe-beagle mix ((atrocious spelling, I know))...anyway, he had an aggression problem, and last monday they put him down...I was so sad...finally got past the crying stage there, and mom comes home to tell me that another dog I loved was dead...:(:(:(...oh well...*sigh*...I suppose I should be used to this by now, eh? Argh...stupidness...if I was more nieve, I'd ask why people and animals had to die...but...heh...I'm not that nieve, so I won't ask hurts though...nothing seems to be more pure than the bond between you and a dog you love ((excuse me, pets you except the bond between a mother and child...ok...well...lots of, though, you get my point, right? I guess I'll quit talking now...heh...whatever...