I guess I asked the wrong question, but you still answered what I was trying to get at. I knew they stopped making them because they probably weren't selling, but what I wanted your opinion on (which you offered) was why people feel the need for frosting on their pop tart, and now I know that it's because this country has too many rednecks. I never really took much of a disliking to rednecks before, probably because I'm related to quite a few. But, now I realize that they caused the demise of my favorite all-time snack in its purest form. I have a vengeance in me now.
You're right! Kids LOVE frosting. And who eats the most pop tarts? kids! Where do you see pop tarts advertised? During children programming. I grew out of my frostingness age at 11.
And p_huge if ya think about it some people like a sugar rush in the morning and frosting is sugar in it sloppiest gooeist form. I prefer plain myself because when you toast it the crust get all crunchy and yummy. The frosting takes away from that pure nutty taste. But then again because I can't find plain cherry Pop Tarts I have banned them from my home. I will walk with you in your vengeance.
Comments 2
I never really took much of a disliking to rednecks before, probably because I'm related to quite a few. But, now I realize that they caused the demise of my favorite all-time snack in its purest form. I have a vengeance in me now.
And p_huge if ya think about it some people like a sugar rush in the morning and frosting is sugar in it sloppiest gooeist form. I prefer plain myself because when you toast it the crust get all crunchy and yummy. The frosting takes away from that pure nutty taste. But then again because I can't find plain cherry Pop Tarts I have banned them from my home. I will walk with you in your vengeance.
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