School Friends...
With my group of girl friends in HS:Zuania,Veronica,I,Mariné and María on the floor
again with my girls
This is with Bryan.He was one of my best friends during the 9th grade and Veronica, my best friend.
Vero and Mariné.I have know Mari since we were both 4y/o
Mari and I the day we became seniors 1999
Graduation Day
with some of my friends from school.
with Zuania
at Vero's college graduation this last June
my birthday
with Mariné and Veronica
with Mariné at a fashion show for school
Work Friends...
Giselle,Jery,myself and Raul
Jery and Giselle with Michelle
The four of us
Some other friends...
This is Emily, we worked together in Iberia.
Joel and Cinthia,from Iberia
The group of Iberia
This is Shirley
Michelle from Church
A few "family"
with Suki,I kinda date her,but we are mostly friends.
Michael.He's from College,but we met thru Maribel.
Viviana.We grow up together.Her mom was my dad's secretary and we spent a lot of time together when we were kids.
Maribel is in this photo,but also is Maria.I studied near Maria in High School so we have been know each other for a couple of years now,but now we are friends.Last year I used to spend a lot of time with her and Maribel after school.
Friends for a life time...
This is Maribel.She's my best friend ever.We have know each other for 5 years and we have never had a fight or a missunderstanding.She's very special to me and I love her to death.I might also be her bestfriend and all shit since I am the only person in this world besides her ex,that she says sorry to in a meaningful way.
This is Salvador.I met him thru Maribel, but he have became a very important asset to the group.Love him very much.
This is Luis.I love him a lot.He's gonna be my sperm donor :P
And this is Karen.I met her this last year.She's a very nice person and I adore her.She's so funny.I love when we go out together.
Random of all of them...