Fic: Come All Ye Reborn - NC-17

Aug 14, 2007 18:40

The Stargate universe does not belong to me.  Unauthorized duplication and distribution is prohibited.

Recipient: Renae (chase_acow)
Creator: Liondragon (shusu)
Title: Come All Ye Reborn [light]
Rating: R/NC-17 (18)
Prompt(s): It's the end of the world. + cheating/open relationship with (Rodney, Daniel, or Cameron)
Spoilers: extensive throughout aired seasons of SG-1 and SGA.
Word count: 25,700

Warnings: Angst, broken bones, relentless whump, terrible science, death, disguises, children.  Explicit sex (not involving the last).  Screws heavily with canon, except for disappearing significant others, sentient technology, and assuming the Ori can be 'wounded.'  Also, I am stealing from myself for some plot points. Titles snatched from Damien Rice's I Remember, though it doesn't have much to do with the song.
Pairings: John/Vala/Daniel/Cameron/Rodney specifically: John/Vala, Vala+Daniel, Cameron/Rodney, implied Cameron/John, implied Cameron/Daniel, Rodney+John, Cameron/Vala, John/Daniel.  And oddly enough, no John/Vala scene.

Thanks so much to spoke and khyrra for their beta work, and aphelant, melagan, and enname for their supportive audiencing.  Any mistakes are definitely my own.  Sorry for the delay, chase_acow!  I wish I'd had time for *more* epilogues.

Summary: Eternal torment isn't all it's cracked up to be.
  1. and time stopped moving [light]
  2. and my ships were sailing [light]
  3. remember it well [light]
  4. and your mouth, your mouth [light]
  5. except you, my love [light]
  6. come all ye lost [light]
  7. this is love, this is porn [light]

2007:things, fic

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