OK what I think of you is you are a very open minded young lady and you need a confidence booster in your life. A eye opener more less I guess so you can understand that you are PERFECTLY normal and unique in your own way and that is why you are SPECIAL.
hey ashley..thought i'd post a comment..your gorgeous and dont let anyone else tlel you differently..just your self image needs to go a little lower..cause you seem to be disappointed in your self and that means life will be harder than it already is..cause i know how you feel..but your beautiful and sweet and charming dont ever forget that..
WHOA......ashley your way too nice ..even wehn i ddint deserve it..weve had our arguments n moments but your SO sweet n i feel leik weve been thru some of tha same stuff hope we can manage getting closer even tho we wont be in tha same schools..WOW THIS WAS LONG
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