Well, I plunked down the five bucks to pay for an LJ account for the next two months. I wanted to add an RSS feed here from my
own blog, because a couple of folks have requested it. I don't know if I screwed it up or not, but we'll see. :) The account with the RSS feed is
perilousomg. Plus, I was curious to see what paid members get and five measly bucks
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Comments 10
Love to all :D
I have also tried using a couple of aggregators but they were a major pain in the ass to me. And truth be told, I actually enjoy looking at all the individual sites. I spend hours every day reading the news and writing. Most of what I write never makes it to the blog, so that should give you a hint of what I do all day when I'm not working or gaming, heh.
Bitching. To some people, it's a hobby. With me, it's a way of life.
Hope all is well with you, doll. :D I hope my 300 irate posts per day don't put you off too much, hehe...
Word to the wise: Most people I know with RSS feeds somehow configure them to include a warning not to comment in the RSS feed IN livejournal but to follow the link back to the journal's main page-- since any comments made to the RSS feed in LJ won't get back to you and vanish after a few days anyway.
Though I've no idea HOW they add such a warning. (an example might be bethletnet or shaydeblog.
Of course, mostof your readers are smart enough to sort this out on their own.
I am sorely tempted to do this now, but between the cable company fuckery that went on this morning, and just wasting time in general, I only have exactly one hour per tape for the five tapes I have left if I'm going to make my 2:00 deadline. I have to go to work! I think I have chronic slackeritis. :(
Thanks again, I'll look into it this afternoon and make that notice as soon as possible.
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