hey hey what up? alright time to get to the point. im cleaning out my internet history and have come to the assumption that i will no longer be writing in my LJ or any other journal except for my personal hunting journal at home. so peace out
its not so cool for the lonestar. im freaking depressed like all get out man. the sad part is that i finally realized that a very specific period in my life will never be the same again.....
so my cat cochise ate some leftover popcorn and drank some leftover tea last night and puked everywhere while we were at church this morning. poor cat i think she is better now though.
dad and i just had a blow up. over what i dont know and dont really care the sooner i get out of this house the better. he is a freaking hypocrite over just about everyhting you could possibly imagine. he expects me to act twelve rather 17 going on 18. oh well if i just avoid him it'll be cool. until next time peace out
i feel like f!!!ing sh?! man. as mentioned before this summer has been a let down. sometimes i just want to say f! it and leave where nobody i know can find me. not that i wouldn't miss them or anything just i feel i need to get away from this house and the people around me or at least some of them.
dad freaking gum!!!! just had another dream of murder and deception. this can't be good at all. i was wondering if being bored on angry most of the time makes me think about death more than i should? probably does becuase when i have been doing something all day that makes me happy i don't have dreams about death as much.
have you ever wondered what the E in E-mail stands for? i mean i may be new to all this technology mumbo jumbo but for the life of me i can't figure it out. does it stan for Emaginary mail even though you spell imanginary with an I. if somebody out there knows the answer to this i would kinda like to hear it.