I have a serious question for you all.
It is one they may ask on my interview next week and I cannot for the life of me formulate an answer that doesn't sound lame.
So, I thought you could give me your answers and that might help get my brain going.
What is your philosophy on life?I'd like your serious answers first followed by your smartass ones
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Comments 5
It's all about the present tense. All the ruminating and brooding I've done over the past is stupid. It's done, over, period.
I'm trying to look at positives and to live in the moment. Instead of being pissed off or depressed about something stupid my dad did, worrying about money/college, or being irritated that Rick didn't unload the dishwasher like I asked, I (try to) shrug it off. Every second that I'm something other than blissfully happy is one happy second I'll regret not having when Rick and I inevitably are separated by a deployment. Let's be realistic here, it's bound to happen one day.
It's (trying) not to worry about dumb crap I can't do anything about. Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It passes the time but, at the same time, doesn't accomplish anything.
Etc. If you have any questions, ask.
Life is too short to be unhappy. And like Jessica said, there's no use sweating the small things. I'm like that too, I always look at the big picture of things. So yeah that's me "don't sweat the small stuff and find the joy in all things"
no srsly.
And go forward.
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