In case anyone is interested in my possible new social work is a link to the site explaining what it is: Canoeing was sweet.
We didn't actually go canoeing because Saturday morning was rainy and freezing.
We didn't want to be miserable so we collectively decided against it.
But, that just left more time for being totally drunk.
We karaokeed, ate a lot, played games, drank a ton, etc.
Great times.
I think it was one of my favorite years, but I also think that has a lot to do with the fact that it wasn't incredibly warm.
It was strange not to have Katie and Jessica there, though.
I could definitely feel the void.
I started looking into applying for grad school at WSU.
But, as I was looking at all the deadlines, paperwork, etc...I think I realized that I am not entirely sure I want to go to grad school for social work.
Sure, I already have a Bachelor's and I know what I'm doing and everything, but that is just it...
I ALREADY have a degree in social work...I want to learn something new.
But, it wouldn't make much sense to go to grad school for anything else.
I start at Jimmy John's on 12 and Mound tomorrow.
2 jobs are better than one.
Especially when one of your jobs only gives you 8 hours a week.
And especially when you need a new car.
So, I will have two part time jobs.
If I get the social work position, it will start as part time so I'll have to drop either the in home care or JJs job.
Probably the in home care one because JJs is more fun.
I actually miss it.
I'm having urges to make subs.
Since it's a franchise store, and they don't have to follow all the rules and training of the corporate stores, I'll probably be better at my job than the managers.
My dad found a CD from the bank (those things that roll over and collect interest) that he and my gma started in 2003.
He totally forgot about it until he found it.
It's worth 18,000.
He said that when it matures on August 31st, he will give me 15,000 for a car.
So, I should have a vehicle again in September, which is pretty effing sweet if you ask me.
And it's not like he is paying for it out of his pocket or anything.
It's money he didn't even realize he had.
If I were ever in a band, I'd make sure we covered "Come Together" by teh Beatles.
White cheddar anything is better than regular cheddar anything.
I really want to go see Incubus, but no one else can/wants to.
I miss Jessie and Rick something fierce.
Stealing movies and music is my new favorite hobby.
That's about it for now, I suppose.