Orange said I had to post with this icon or else she wouldn't make me another icon. I cried. She said she posted Russia's Erotic Face Meme.
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ideally_awesome! Such a fun meme. Comment and I will:
1. Respond with something random about you
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Comments 144
1. Respond with something random about you: I connect you to potatoes now.
2. Tell you which color you remind me of: Gray-blue.
3. Tell you my first memory of you: Basically when you commented to me on Kibster's journal and I was like i do not recall rping with someone with that sort of username??? but yeah, I was like i did not know kib-kib's journal was a dancefloor i can groove if i want to i can leave my friends behind cause my friends don't dance and if my friends don't dance then they're no friends of mine
4. Tell you what animal you remind me of: Beaver.
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you: What does your username mean ;u;
6. Tell you my favorite thing about you: You're such an outgoing person! And very friendly and very caring. It's not very often that I meet someone that's so braving new waters!! online, and just so personable and friendly. But no, really, you're such a friendly person ;u;
7. Tell you my least favorite thing about you: You get to play with a moe dog and I ( ... )
I am horrified by the potato connection, and will happily share tsunpuppy with you and B'AWWWWW CAPO SCARFLE YOU'RE MAKING ME BLUSH
and damn, I barely remember the username story anymore. I made it in 8th grade and it involved a webcomic that abbriviated to CS I think and IDEK anymore,
hehehe on the other hand I always pronounce it zarepathetics in my head which is terrible but everybody knows my reading comprehension is the best
1. Respond with something random about you: Bifflebutt.
2. Tell you which color you remind me of: Burning passionate red.
3. Tell you my first memory of you: Vered telling me what a cool guy you are. It's like what. And then I RP with you and it's like what pay attention to me play with me hey hey look listen. But you were always pretty adorable and really cool, with a wacky sense of humor.
4. Tell you what animal you remind me of: Doggy.
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you: Why is your username lordsummer.
6. Tell you my favorite thing about you: You're a funny guy. It's fun to make fun of you, and it helps that you're ridiculously moe and cute. Your crying face is moe, anyway. But really, you're a fun guy to be around, and super nice, and it just makes me want to kick you forever.
7. Tell you my least favorite thing about you: Your face is a butt.
8. Challenge you to post this on your journal: I challenged you so hard that you already did it.
1. Respond with something random about you: You're permanently 14 to me.
2. Tell you which color you remind me of: Bright green.
3. Tell you my first memory of you: I think just seeing you as Void's little sister and being like ahhhhhh Void isn't a robot ahhhhhhh it was a super shock, let me tell you. But you were moe and cute and apparently not fourteen, that was more of a shock, let me tell you.
4. Tell you what animal you remind me of: Kitten ;u;
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you: Is it dahn-nee. That is how I pronounce it.
6. Tell you my favorite thing about you: You're just really moe and cute. And you're supes supportive. And you seem very ambitious and try out new things, and you're working on your arts and other cool stuff like that. You're a very pleasant person to be around, and the more I stare at your username, the more it repeats in my head.
7. Tell you my least favorite thing about you: Sometimes, when you're on Void's SN, it scares me.
8. Challenge you to post this on ( ... )
It's also not danidanidanidanica even though I know it probably gets a little confusing maybe.
Your username is a little intimidating. I always wait with bated breath for the "ca." danidanidanidanidanidani it never stopppppss
1. Respond with something random about you: You remind me of wink wink nudge nudge thrust thrust.
2. Tell you which color you remind me of: Purple.
3. Tell you my first memory of you: You were the Foxfire-replica and it was so creepy because it was like ahhhh Foxfire you didn't tell us you had a cloooone or rather foxfire you didn't tell us you were a clooooone.
4. Tell you what animal you remind me of: ... Badger.
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you: Is purple your favourite colour.
6. Tell you my favorite thing about you: You have a sense of humor and just really roll with the jokes and that's pretty moe. You always seem to think about things and just come up with this zany stuff. But you also seem like a person who takes charge and does fun stuff with other people, like setting up Skype chats and things like that. It's pretty cool to have someone who takes charge and does sorts like that.
7. Tell you my least favorite thing about you: Your username has a lot of n's in there. I'm ( ... )
3) Or maybe we're past-future clones of each other! Also whoa that would be really trippy. Would Foxfire be a clone of me, then they go back in time and kill me just to make me a clone of Foxfire? Dude.
5) One of them! I'm also fond of dark blue and silver, but purple/dark purple wins the day. I don't know why.
6) Why is everything moe. But thanks! I kinda get the feeling that if I didn't, things like Skypechat would just... never happen. I think it's happened like twice without me being there, and everyone just calls it very weird when I'm not. Besides, everyone enjoys it, so it's the least I can do!
7) Also as many As! But apparently A is not as bad as N.
and i don't want to be mean but you sound so fluffy and wafty hehehehe ;u;
/signs self up for meme-ing!!
1. Respond with something random about you: I'm pretty glad you changed your journal layout. When it was the black and shiny Doctor Who one, I kept on seeing myself in the reflection. It was like ahhhhhhh.
2. Tell you which color you remind me of: Beaver yellow.
3. Tell you my first memory of you: Technically, it was Orange saying something about a moe Russia and I was like noooo you're so creeeeeepy and then the next thing I know, she's like I friended my staaaalker and I'm like hi belarus where did orange go. And then I finally went to look it was like wow, the Russia really is kinda moe. And then I wanted to friend you. So I did. This is such an anti-climatic story.
4. Tell you what animal you remind me of: Beaver. Or moose.
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you: a/s/l
6. Tell you my favorite thing about you: You're really moe, but you've been such a supporting person. I mean, a lot of time it's like I want to be your friend, I don't need it to be the other way around, ( ... )
1. it was a way for me to catch all the super seekrit lurkers. NOTHING SCARES ANYONE MORE THAN THEMSELVES or something :|aaa
5. 45/m/sketchy white van outside your window
6. sdjklf not moe. a-also maybe it's just the sick germs confusing me but "I don't need it to be the other way around, and it usually isn't." ? Does this mean you don't think I want to be your friend or something? >:
7. that's not very nice ;o;
6. a-awww well I was a little surprised that you were so friendly because I so intensely wanted to be your friiiieeeend but ngl, a lot of times people don't really want to be mine, but that's cool bro what is personal space and I am invading it. If I'm the one to take the initiative I think I have to be one who follows through on it. It was just really nice I was actually communicating with someone via LJ like I always wanted ;u;
7. ... a face every man would want to kiss.
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