Hullo Jules. Long time no see. I am seeing a theme in some of your posts and thought I would share some information with you, maybe it will help. Been battling with my own potential case of fibro, and I was doing some digging today. I found an article that points very heavily to flouride as being a leading cause of fibro. Here is the link sugar. Check it out.
There's all sorts of reasons experts and doctors think that causes Fibromyalgia. Some think its an insane amount of mental and emotional stress (since Fibro has those as triggers for flare ups), even physical stress! Bad car accidents can cause it, like the brain rewires itself. But they don't understand -what- is happening, and -why- it happens
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I still have not had that become my official diagnosis. However the more I read, the more I think no one really has the full picture as of yet. My doctor said it's either extreme depression, or fibro... but my personal take on it is the fibro is causing the depression. Not being able to wake up without pain is pretty bloody depressing.
Not to mention the inability to sleep and all of that fun stuff.
Up too? Eh lots of craziness. Got married, am in school right now, 3 quarters from finishing up with my associates in computer network systems. Trying to get my damn insurance company to give approval so I can get my damn meds. Found something that actually works for me really well and it's of course 160 dollars for a month worth of pills. Ah well.. shit happens right?
What about you? What sort of deviance have you be entertaining yourself with?
Comments 3
Not to mention the inability to sleep and all of that fun stuff.
Up too? Eh lots of craziness. Got married, am in school right now, 3 quarters from finishing up with my associates in computer network systems. Trying to get my damn insurance company to give approval so I can get my damn meds. Found something that actually works for me really well and it's of course 160 dollars for a month worth of pills. Ah well.. shit happens right?
What about you? What sort of deviance have you be entertaining yourself with?
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