From Twitter 04-15-2011

Apr 16, 2011 03:12

  • 00:28:26: Is it just my phone, or are others having problems with users' twitter avatar pics not loading?
  • 00:30:10: RT @thinkgeek: Relevant to your interests: Walking Dead at funeral parlor Oregon House rickrolls itself ...
  • 00:30:14: RT @slashdot: Microsoft Adds Kinect Support For Netflix
  • 00:38:57: RT @polarbeartrust: Russia 'Will Not lift' Polar Bear Hunting Ban
  • 00:39:26: RT @justinlowery: Flash on Android Tablets

    A miserable experience. We're really missing out on all the blinking ads, ...
  • 00:40:47: RT @ScienceNewsOrg: Deleted Scenes: NASA picks shuttles' retirement homes: Museums in New York, California, Florida and Vir... http://bi ...
  • 00:41:10: Rebooting the phone to confirm that the problem is with Twitter, and not local.
  • 00:42:29: RT @DolphinSeeker30: RT: @kzelnio: RT @AS_Para: Ha ha! RT @sambaintv: The 7 best unintentionally sexual church signs. ...
  • 00:46:44: RT @cherrygarcia: Nobody showed up on #FreeConeDay, so we ate a million cones ourselves. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement
  • 00:52:30: RT @SethMacFarlane: To every future co-worker’s daughter ‘til the end of time: no thanks, I would not like to buy some Girl Scout cookies.
  • 00:53:54: RT @GeorgeTakei: You learn the most by failing badly. M Night Shymalan is approaching genius after Airbender. #ISeeWhitePeople
  • 00:56:17: RT @Hal9000_: I just found out why you don't scream "HEY KOOL AID" on a space ship.
  • 01:01:31: Hm, it appears to just have been something wonky with the phone. Ah well, fixed now.
  • 03:15:19: Been thinking lately of a couple possibilities for a tattoo. The cost is actually the biggest obstacle to doing it, currently.
  • 03:26:58: Floridians Deserve The Right To Recall #signon
  • 03:30:13: #ifihadmorefreetime I would love to learn Classical Greek, Latin, Russian, Spanish, and German. Fuck French. #languagegeek
  • 03:31:07: I am frequently surprised by how much modern (european-based, anyway) culture is built upon the foundations of Greece and Rome.
  • 03:54:31: Email inbox = CLEAR! #iaccomplishedsomething
  • 03:55:37: Anyone have a copy of Paradise Lost that they could give/loan me? I'd like to read it before and/or along with The Divine Comedy, but no $$.
  • 04:10:23: Hey, all you practicing Christians... when the fuck is Easter this year? I can never remember.
  • 04:57:42: It amazes and saddens me that with all that purport to be "patriots" in the USA, easily 9/10ths of us don't know (cont)
  • 05:06:07: I think the small bugs in my kitchen are living INSIDE my microwave. That explains why I can't seem to get ride of them.
  • 05:06:33: No matter how clean I keep things, they're still there. I guess I have to tear the microwave apart and clean inside it.
  • 05:29:03: I snagged a Bermudan quarter from work today. This week, I've also gotten a Panamanian 20c piece, and something from Belieze marked "50".
  • 07:25:57: It makes me sad that of the 25 or so people I know via LiveJournal, less than five of them actually USE it anymore.
  • 07:43:53: I want to clean/unclog my slow shower drain, but there doesn't appear to be a way to remove it without breaking it.
  • 07:57:45: Coffee reserves are down to 65%. Almost time to go shopping.
  • 16:56:36: I'm at ABC Fine Wine & Spirits (3015 W. Kennedy Blvd., btw New Jersey Ave. & Gomez Ave., Tampa)
  • 20:56:50: I have officially given up trying to be nicer to our resident homo.

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