Title: When The Day Met The Night
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Word Count: 600+
Spoilers: None
Warning: An f-bomb, that's it.
Summary: Blaine hates being Kurt's moon because you rely on the moon more than initially thought.
A/N: This is drabble. Kind of pointless. But I was scrolling and came across
The Moon. I felt inspired by the title alone and then
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Comments 7
I'm a HUGE Panic! at the Disco fan (I just bought there deluxe album version of Vices and Virtues that comes with a t-shirt and it cost half of my birthday money XD), I'm in love with every single one of their songs and I think this one is particularly beautiful even if its not my favorite but its still *wonderful*, and I've always kinda liked the idea of it in terms of Blaine and Kurt.
And this was just wonderful, seriously perfect and amazing. <3 Excellent job! ^_^
Thank you so so much! <3
Awww man, I envy you! I just want the deluxe album because I need to stop being merch bahaha but the shipping is just a little too ridiculous to get to the UK so I'd probably end up spending more on the shipping than the actual product which sucks :( and I'm doing this 'saving up' thing ;)
Ugh yes! I seriously love their music kjhdjhd I do love the songs on PO but I'm more in love with AFYCSO <3
Thank you so much! I LOVE YOU TOO :D
I also LOVE Pretty. Odd. but I love AFYCSO even more and now their new album is just going to be love. <3 If you've not seen their short film yet, you should. Its all about Ryan and Jon leaving and then Brendon and Spencer having to get through lots of obstacles for this next album and its pretty cool. Especially the part with the ballerina. =D
I was just about to find the link and send it to you in case YOU hadn't seen it! It's really cool. As much as I love Jon and Ryan, I'm not too bummed about them not being in the band now to be honest because Brendon & Spencer are really successful without them. They should just make Ian and Dallon permanent members while they're at it :')
UGH I can't wait for V&V! :D
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