Title: Love Lockdown
Word count: ~2,200
Rating: PG
Summary: Blaine takes Kurt for a romantic walk down Brooklyn Bridge whilst they're in New York for Nationals.
Warnings: Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy, fluff.
Notes: Got this idea from a photo on Tumblr. I have messed with the ~anatomy~ of the Bridge for story purposes and this is in the same ~universe~ as
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Comments 22
I walked across a padlock bridge in Paris today! So amazing. Also, this is adorable.
This was so damn sweet! I really wish they would do something like this on the Nationals ep or something :) It is just so very Blaine to come up with something like this for the two of them ^^
MOAR! MOAR! I need more of your fluffy awesomeness! <3
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