Title: Aches and pains.
Pairing: Gabilliam. What a silly question.
Summary: This affair has been going on for too long.
Author's notes: Written through pure boredom so it's pants. Unfinished because I don't know how to end it... I don't know whether to be nice and sort everything out or be a meanie.
Gabe and William shouldn’t be carrying this affair on. It would lead to heartbreak and tears and sleeping on each other’s landings with suitcases by their feet, waiting for the other to arrive home so that they could beg to spend the night on the couch. It would lead to fights and screaming insults at 2 in the morning and yellowing bruises on skin and wishes that none of this had happened. Gabe always wished hard. He wished that Christine and Bianca would just fade out of the picture so they could be together, but he knew that it shouldn’t be that way. Pushing William away helped a little, but he kept coming back like a little lovesick puppy.
That’s why Gabe had William pinned by the throat against a wall in a cleaning cupboard of the venue the Cobras were playing that night. Gabe warned him to stay away when they got to LA, for him not to come because this had gone on long enough! They couldn’t carry on having sneaky sex in bunks or in toilets or even in Gabe’s bed when Bianca was away on shopping trips with her friends. They loved each other, yes. But Gabe just didn’t want to hurt his girlfriend… he had never meant for any of this to happen and a part of him wished that the drunken game of Spin The Bottle had never happened and that after they kissed, he had never spilled out his feelings to William. There was no going back now.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” hissed Gabe into William’s ear, voice low and threateningly, his hot breath ticking Willaim’s lobe. “I told you not to come! I specifically said not to!”
The younger man simply tucked a lock of hair behind his ear, a smirk slipping onto his face. The hand against his neck or the lips against his ear didn’t bother him. Well… they did. But he could never show Gabe that. Everything was wrong between them. Masks hid their true faces and their true faces. They concealed the truth and blocked everything out.
“I wanted to see you, baby… can’t I not see my own boyfriend?” William drawled, smirk still in place. He only spoke slowly to avoid tripping over his words and showing the usual stutter that gave him away. Gabe’s behaviour was hurting him and making his heart ache, the beating feeling like a dull throb in his chest. It used to beat hard and fast when this all started, butterflies fluttering in his abdomen as Gabe’s hand brushed his, lips tingling as they slowly kissed goodnight behind the buses… now it just ached. Everything ached. William’s arms ached to fold around his waist and his fingers ached to link with Gabe‘s. His head ached from trying to work out different excuses as to why Gabe only gave him a peck on the cheek as they said goodnight and as to why Gabe’s arms felt loose around him whenever they cuddled. And his eyes ached from crying himself to sleep every night.
“No! You fucking can’t! We can’t carry this on anymore! It’s not right. We can’t be seen together tonight. We can’t be seen together ever again!” Gabe sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose with his free hand. “Look William… it’s over. Let’s just go back to our lives and forget all of this ever happened… go back to Christine. I’ll go back to Bianca and pretend that everything is normal…”
The ache was instantly replaced with a stab. Another stab. Another. Ghostly hands wrapped around William’s lungs and squeezed until the pains grew unbearable. “No! P-please Gabe… don’t l-leave me.. I l-lo… I l-l-lov…” He tried to grab at the hand around his throat and hold it tight as if it would stop Gabe from walking away… maybe in the short run, but not in the long run.
“Bill, let go of me! Just let it go. It’s over, this… this should never have happened in the first place!” Gabe snarled, instantly regretting it and wishing he could withdraw the words back into his mouth and hide them under his tongue as if they weren’t there. But they lingered in the air above them both, filling up William’s lungs as his breathing became more ragged, one hand clawing at the wall behind him.
“G… G… Gabe… d-don’t… be… like this…” he wheezed, hurt tears springing to his eyes. He had been so strong over the months, not giving away signs to anyone around him. But Gabe was going. The one thing that he truly love threatened to leave his life. William did love Christine, but not in the way William loved Gabe. And he couldn’t let him walk away.
Gabe looked back at him unemotionally, trying to tug his hand out of William’s grip. He too had gotten good at covering up and concealing things. He didn’t want to do this but it was for the best… “No, William. We can’t be together. And we never will be… Now let go!” He snapped, twisting his hand to remove it from William’s… and when it didn’t budge, his free fist flashed up, smashing William in the face, hoping that the one movement would make Bill give up on Gabe and just go… and as his hand slipped free from his grasp, he spun on his heel away from William, tears threatening to spill. But he had to stay tough. He’s Gabe Saporta.
As the door slammed shut behind his (ex)boyfriend, William sunk to the floor, fists in his hair. The stabbing pain in his chest had gone… as had the ache… because there was nothing there anymore. Gabe ripped his heart out as he left the room. The fingers still gripped his lungs tight but it didn’t hurt any more. Everything was numb and ice cold. The world beyond the door of the closet was muffled, the music of the support bands drowned as if William was underwater, eyes clenched tight and lips sealed to not let anything in. And as reality hit that Gabe wasn’t going to return, the room spun and turned black as William’s head slumped forward, the world and everything within it coming to a halt.