School cafeterias!

Oct 05, 2009 19:18

Hi, I haven't posted here in a while but I am having trouble with food now that I'm in college. Does anyone else feel this way? I was at a healthy weight during the school year and even most of the summer. I noticed I started to gain a little weight over the summer because I wasn't working out as much. It wasn't a lot, so I kind of ignored it and ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

circusbarre October 6 2009, 04:24:19 UTC

I feel exactly the same way- it's so hard to lose any weight when every meal you eat is an all you can eat buffet. Personally, I usually avoid the hot food lines and stick to the salad bar instead, or I get myself some cereal. It's really hard to make suggestions because I don't know what your dining hall is like, but that's what works for me.


pseudoxcanon October 6 2009, 05:01:47 UTC
Ugh, I hate meal plans. I had one my first year of uni. It's so hard to control myself when all they seem to serve is comfort food. Good luck sweetie. I know it's hard :(


messofdetailsx October 6 2009, 16:23:48 UTC
Maybe you could try asking the servers to halve the portion that they give you. Or stick to the salad bar, if you have one. Also, I'm not sure how much you drink on the weekends, but maybe you could limit it to only Friday or only Saturday. Don't feel pressured to drink because everyone else does (not meant in an accusatory tone, just saying).


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