Name Origin: English
Number of Syllables: 3.00
Gender: Female
More interesting facts about the name Andrea:
Lucky Number: 7
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Element: Water
Primary Color: Violet
Traits: Frequently possesses E.S.P. Extremely "psychic"; Introvert. Although s/he does not say much, s/he usually knows a great deal. Mysterious. Often interested in psychology, psychiatry, chemistry, and botany. Knowledgeable in astrology and all fields of the occult. Fond of fishing. Inclined to take from the "haves" and give to the "have nots".
Name Origin: French
Number of Syllables: 2.00
Gender: Female
More interesting facts about the name Elaine:
Lucky Number: 1
Ruling Planet: The Sun
Element: Fire
Primary Color: Red
Traits: Very much the driving life force. A leader. Ambitious. Tends to be impatient. The explorer. The extrovert. Automatically assumes command. Frequently a "big brother" or "big sister". Very strong feelings either for or against. Would not knowingly hurt anyone but might not realize her/his own strength. Can stand being praised and is entitled to it. Praise can spur to greater things.
"Ambitious"? *snorts* Now the impatience I agree with (hush
kaytee4ever, I can hear the "No, really?" :P)
I *am* a Gemini, which should explain the whole introvert/extrovert thing ;) Other than that.. the stuff about my first name is closer than my middle name, though neither one is all that accurate. *shrugs*
(On the off chance that anyone's curious about the combination, I was named after my mom's favourite uncle(in law) and her favourite aunt (and no, they weren't husband and wife - he was married to my great-aunt Jean) - and had I been a boy I would've been either Dennis Andrew or Andrew Dennis (same uncle, and my dad))