Departure day. We began packing early, said our good-byes to the staff and climbed aboard the boat to Sorong.
Unfortunately, we had to take the little speedboat because the big one had engine problems, so all 16 of us crammed into various parts of the boat. The good thing was that since Evvy and I were on this same boat 10 days earlier we immediately knew that inside was terrible and we wanted to be outside. Inside was much too hot for a 5-hour boat ride. Unfortunately, outside also had a massive leaking vat of gasoline, but I still think we choose right. Even when it started to rain later.
Nudi Rock, which really *does* look like a nudibranch.
Don, Frank, Colin, and Nana
Nana (tired), Evvy, and Eric
Pretty skies
First we had lovely sun and skies. Then scary skies. Then pouring rain. Since there was no room for all of us inside we many of us stood just inside or outside the doorway and passed the time by playing the “last day of your life” game (last cereal, last candy bar, last meal, last person to kiss/shag). Eric wandered out to hear us and decide it was a stupid game, even though we managed to wheedle from Don an admitted attraction to Michelle Phiefer. (Frank, later said, “Michelle Fiefer? REALLY? Which Michelle Phiefer?” We ran through a history of her movies until Don finally admitted, “Scarface Michelle Phiefer.” Fair enough.)
Angry skies
Thorbin and Don, trying to stay out of the rain
When we arrived in Sorong harbor, Frank pulled out a weird wind-sock-jar contraption, with the hopes that he could collect some micro-organisms for his fish-raising business. There's a more scientific explanation for all of this, but that's the best I can do.
Frank, dredging
Happy with his loot
Sorong is a wasteland of... well... everything... and the most comfortable hotel was called Je Meridian (not to be confused with “Le Meridian”). It took us 40 minutes to sort out the Internet connection but we managed. And then our luggage arrived, allowing us *gasp* fresh-water showers!
For dinner we ate at a cavernous restaurant on the water with pretty decent food, and we enjoyed it up until they started with the LOUD karaoke. A little hard to talk under those circumstances, but then again we've been around each other for 2 weeks so what else is there to talk about? :)
Journal Links
Thursday - Saturday, Nov 18 - 20, 2010 - New York to Hong Kong to Jakarta Sunday, Nov 21, 2010 - Jakarta to Makassar to Sorong to Misool Monday, Nov 22, 2010 - Misool Tuesday, Nov 23, 2010 - Misool Wednesday, Nov 24, 2010 - Misool Thursday, Nov 25, 2010 - Misool Friday, Nov 26, 2010 - Misool Saturday, Nov 27, 2010 - Misool Sunday, Nov 28, 2010 - Misool Monday, Nov 29, 2010 - Misool Tuesday, Nov 30, 2010 - Misool Wednesday, Dec 1, 2010 - MisoolThursday, Dec 2, 2010 - Misool to Sorong
Friday-Saturday, Dec 3-4, 2010 - Sorong to Makassar to Jakarta to Hong Kong to NYC