Dragon Filk

Oct 24, 2008 20:38

Okay, just to have these all together, on a relatively static site. . .I have been filking songs with the theme of Dragon Cave and dragonspam. To explain, for anyone reading this who doesn't know. . .
In the Dragon Cave, you can get little pixel dragon eggs. You post these in different places in order to get Views, Unique Views and Clicks so your eggs can hatch, then your hatchlings can grow up. dragonspam is a place where you can post these pixels. If you post there, you have to click as many of the other posters' eggs and hatchlings as you can. It's only polite. So, some people "ninja click" - which is cicking without commenting - so that they can click more. And some people comment. There are various types of dragon eggs, with silver and gold being the most rare. Well, except for seasonals. But, there was a coding issue with them.
Anyway, that should explain all the terms. . .
Yes, many of these are incomplete. I just felt like sharing. Plus, I'd been asked to.

Silver and Gold (From "Silver and Gold" on one of the Christmas movies, I think _Rudolph_)
Silver and gold
Silver and gold
Mean so much more when I see
The silver and gold eggs glowing
Nesting so comfort'bly.

Deck the Cave (collaboration between my hubby and myself)(From the traditional: "Deck the Halls")
Give the posts now lots of clicks
Fa la la la la la la la la
Be a ninja and click them quick
Fa la la la la la la la la
Click the eggs an watch them hatch
Fa la la la la la la la la
I'll go steal another batch
Fa la la la la la la la la

Shade of the Cave (from "Hazy Shade of Winter", by Simon and Garfunkel)
Time time time, see what's become of them
While they crack their eggs
And they grow their wings
They are so fun to click
Look around, the nest is full
And the ground
Is covered in dragon eggs

Never Say Un-clicked (or Never Drop and Run) (from "Never Say Goodbye" by Bon Jovi)
As I sit in this egg filled cave
The split about to hatch
I pass my time by clicking
But this ninja's my only friend

(of all of these, this is the most likely one that will be expanded upon)

And one of my favorites. . .
The Dragon Cave Tonight (From _The Muppet Show_ Theme Song!)
It's time to post my dragons
It's time to get some clicks
It's time to get things going
In the dragon cave tonight!

It's time to be a ninja
It's time to give some clicks
It's time to hatch some eggs
In the dragon cave tonight!

ETA: Wrote another one. The whole song!
The Last Dragon Cave (From "The Last Unicorn" from the movie of the same title)

When the last egg is clicked
Behind the last live journal cut
And the last hatchling shows
When the little egg is nicked
In the shadows of the cave
Though they may be rare and lost
We will click, ever trying
For that one silver egg

When the first yellow vine grows
From the tangle of the nest
And you breed an alt black
After trying without rest
And it seems like eggs are dying
And would leave parents to mourn
On dragonspam, hear the clicking
As the last ninja lurks

They will grow
They will grow

When the last hatchling grows
Up from the last egg in the nest
And the clicking's all done
Without even a last emergency plea
Look onto the scrolls where in
The adults are displayed
Look and see them, how they've grown
In here, the dragon cave

They're alive
They're alive

Let me click (from "Let it Snow")
Oh, the Dragon Cave is lagging
And my spirits sure are sagging
The dragons need some love
Let me click
Let me click
Let me click
(or: Let 'em grow, Let 'em grow, Let 'em grow - sounds better but doesn't express the frustration of not being able to click!)
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