Hy you got alot of entrys!! LOL...I like BMX..i think its awsome...im still in the process of learning new tricks....im getting better though....i havent been able to BMX for a while cuz i had surgery on my foot and so now i got to wait for the weather to get nice again cuz this is snowboarding season....o well i dont like the snow or the coldness but i like to snowboard.. well im a girl..im 15 years old and im about 5'4 and weigh like 105 to like 110 i dont really knoe all the scales are differnt...but yea i got blonde hair with black tips and i have blue eyes...if you are ever interesting in talking my s/n is blondieluvsbenji.. come visit my bands journal....if you want...we are like punk/emo type of music...our bands name is PLAID RED and our first Cd is called healing from a broken heart and still in the process...be sure to buy it if you like us..well sorry if im like boring u or annyoing you..L8R
Also he wouldn't know a lot about snowboarding considering the whole living in Florida thing. Sorry I'm just taking up the conversation for him because he isn't online enough =P
Comments 3
Love Always,
Giana xoxo
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