- Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? When I’m home, yes.
2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? If I need to
3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? In
4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before? I tried so hard…
5. Do you like to use post-it notes? Sometimes.
6. Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? I see them and I want to use them.
7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? Beeesss
8. Do you have freckles? Nope
9. Do you always smile for pictures? I make funny faces most of the time.
10. What is your biggest pet peeve? Driving things. Slow walking people. Inefficiency.
11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Not really, I would forget after a while.
12. Have you ever peed in the woods? Hug a tree
13. What about pooped in the woods? I’m pretty sure it’s happened.
14. Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing? Have you met me?
15. Do you chew your pens and pencils? Ew no.
16. How many people have you slept with this week? None.
17. What size is your bed? Twin. An Extra Long at School
18. What is your Song of the week? Put It On Ya - Plies, Did You Wrong - Pleasure P
19. Is it okay for guys to wear pink? I think so.
20. Do you still watch cartoons? Spongebob yeah.
21. Whats your least favorite movie? Um. Most horror movies are stupid. Scary but stupid.
22. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? Um my back yard?
23. What do you drink with dinner? Water or Crystal Light.
24. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? BBQ
25. What is your favorite food? Noodles and Company
26. What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Little Mermaid. Disney. Boondock Saints.
27. Last person you kissed/kissed you? Marcy
28. Were you ever a boy/girl scout? Yes, for the LONGEST.
29. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? Probably not, I don’t like my body.
30. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? I write my residents post it note letters. I send Clara and Els postcards all the time.
31. Can you change the oil on a car? How do you do that?
32. Ever gotten a speeding ticket? HAHA fastest time getting you home EVER..
33. Ran out of gas? Not yet, its bound to happen though.
34. Favorite kind of sandwich? Mediterranean Veggie from Panera.
35 Best thing to eat for breakfast? Chocolate Chip Pancakes
36. What is your usual bedtime? Um, midnight. I have to stay in line for clinicals otherwise I get sick.
37. Are you lazy? Most of the time.
38. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? Whatever my mom made me.
39. What is your Chinese astrological sign? Dragon.
40. How many languages can you speak? One.
41. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Nope.
42..Which are better legos or lincoln logs? Legos.
43. Are you stubborn? Sometimes.
44. Who is better...Leno or Letterman? I don’t know either.
45. Ever watch soap operas? When my mom did when I was younger.
46. Afraid of heights? I was so scared at the Grand Canyon.
47. Sing in the car? OMG, I’m ridiculous.
48. Dance in the shower? No, that’s too dangerous for me.
49. Dance in the car? That I do, and I feel embarrassed sometimes.
50. Ever used a gun? No, but I’ve had one pointed at me.
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Senior Year.
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? Sometimes.
53. Is Christmas stressful? Somestimes.
54. Ever eat a pierogi? Dude, they are so awesome. That is one way Pittsburgh has changed my life for the better.
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? None. If I HAD to pick, chocolate mousse.
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Marine Biologist, Vet, you know.
57. Do you believe in ghosts? I sorta do, yeah.
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? It scares me.
59. Take a vitamin daily? I should, I have them but I don’t. then I chew 5 in one day.
60. Wear slippers? Yeah, my hello kitty ones that have holes in the bottom so it’s like walking barefoot anyway.
61. Wear a bath robe? Yes ma’am.
62. What do you wear to bed? Boxers and a beater, or underwear and a beater.
63. First concert? Hmm, not sure.
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Target
65. Nike or Adidas? Nike
66.Cheetos Or Fritos? Crunchy Cheetos.
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Peanuts.
68. Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? Who?
69. Ever take dance lessons? No, and now I’m horrible. Well yeah, ballet for like 2 years. And irish dancing for two. LOL so I guess yeah
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Business.
71. Can you curl your tongue? Yes’m.
72. Ever won a spelling bee? I was second place in fourth grade. I lost on stethoscope.
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Of course.
74. Own any record albums? Nope, my parents have a lot though.
75. Own a record player? My family does.
76. Regularly burn incense? Nope.
77. Ever been in love? I don’t think so.
78. Who would you like to see in concert? Beyonce, Chris Brown again, Boyz II Men again.
79. What was the last concert you saw? Boyz II Men in the summer.
80.Hot tea or cold tea? Only hot.
81.Tea or coffee? Coffee.
82. Sugar or snickerdoodles? Snickerdoodles
83.Can you swim well? I think so.
84.Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yerp.
85. Are you patient? Sometimes.
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? DJ.
87.Ever won a contest? Surprisingly, yes, and recently.
88. Ever have plastic surgery? I want to get my face redone.
89. Which are better black or green olives? Collasol Black.
90.Can you knit or crochet? Crochet.
91. Best room for a fireplace? Bedroom mmmm
92. Do you want to get married? I don’t think so.
93. If married, how long have you been married?
94. Who was your HS crush? It goes without saying.
95. Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? No really.
96. Do you have kids? My babies. Clara and Els. I wish they were mine.
97. Do you want kids? I don’t think so anymore.
98. Whats your favorite color? Blue.
99. Do you miss anyone right now? A few, but only slightly.
100. Did you watch, Next Great American Band on FOX? No, why is that the last question, how random.
- Available: Yes
- Age: 20
- Annoyance: Um, I get annoyed when driving. Inefficiency. White girls.
- Animal: Giraffe
- Beer: Ick.
- Birthday: April 5
- Best Friend(s): Pam, Sema, Marcy, Chantiel, Sergio, Anna
- Body Part on opposite sex: BACK! And LIPS! And smile J
- Best feeling in the world: A full tummy.
- Blind or Deaf: Blind.
- Best weather: Spring and Summer. That half of the year.
- Been in love: I thought so, but no, I don’t think so now.
- Been on stage: Yes.
- Believe in Magic: Maybe. Or I just don’t understand it.
- Believe in Santa: Mah boo. I do really. Even though my mom tells me to buy my own presents.
- Candy: Twix.
- Color: Blue, Yellow.
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Both together. Obviously. TWIST CONE
- Chinese/Mexican: Mexican, you know how I feel about Asians.
- Cake or pie: FUNFETTI! No pie ew!
- Continent to visit: Ummm, I want to visit Africa or Europe.
- Cheese: Pepperjack.
- Day or Night: Morning.
- Dance in the rain: YES!
- Eyes: Dark or Light Brown
- Everyone's got: their something.
- Ever failed a class?: Nope, thank goodness.
- First thoughts waking up: Is somebody in the shower?
- Food: Noodles and Company. Any noodles and company.
- Greatest Fear: Rejection and Failure.
- Goals: Graduate.
- Gum: Orbit Sweet Mint.
- Get along with your parents?: Yes. For the most part. My daddy more though.
- Good luck charm: I have lucky underwear. My grandma’s ring but I lost it L
- Hair Color: Light Brown. I like black hair though.
- Height: 5’8”
- Happy: Sometimes.
- Holiday: Easter and the Fourth. Um any holiday.
- How do you want to die: Peaceful and without regret.
- Ice Cream: Strawberry, Chocolate Peanut Butter Chocolate
- Instrument: Flute
- Jewelry: I don’t do jewelry that much.
- Job: Nurse
- Kids: None. No thank you.
- Kickboxing or Karate: Kickboxing.
- Keep a journal?: This, which doesn’t hold much content.
- Love: Sometimes I believe in it.
- Letter: X
- Laughed so hard you cried: Of course.
- Milk flavor: Chocolate.
- Movies: The Little Mermaid, Atonement, Any Disney Movie
- Motion sickness?: Honestly, it depends.
- McD’s or BK: McDonalds
- Miss: Kels, My Girls.
- Number: 7
- One wish: The person who needs to know it knows it already.
- Perfect Pizza: Pepperoni, Mushrooms and Onions. Or any pizza shuttle. Or deep dish.
- Pepsi/Coke: Coke products but not coke itself
- Quail: What?
- Quidditch: I can dig it.
- Reason to cry: Boys. Lost Friends. Stress. School.
- Reality T.V.: Mmmmmmmmmmmm…
- Radio Station: v100 or that station in Pittsburgh
- Roll your tongue in a circle?: Yes
- Ring size: 5 and a little?
- Song: Knocks Me of My Feet - the Donell Jones Version
- Shoe size: 9
- Salad Dressing: Kraft Asian stuff, or Caeser, or Med Salad dressing.
- Sushi: Only the vegetable kind but I LOVE that.
- Slept outside: In a tent….
- Smoked?: Eh. Not really.
- Skinny dipped?: Ew, I’m too conscientious to do that.
- Shower daily?: I need to. I fell gross if I don’t.
- Sing well?: No.
- In the shower?: I always stop myself because I’m the first up in the morning.
- Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries. Or both. Together.
- Tattoos?: I WANT ONE!
- Time for bed: Eh, when everything’s finished, or I want to escape.
- Thunderstorms: LOVE THEM!
- Unpredictable: Jamie Foxx. And no, I’m super predictable.
- Vacation spot: Puerto Rico.
- Weakness: Boys. Minding what other people think.
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: None really.
- Who makes you laugh the most: Sema and Pam.
- Worst feeling: Being let down. Feels worse if its multiple times.
- Wanted to be a model: Someone told me I could and my mom laughed in my face. So no.
- Where do we go when we die?: I hope somewhere nice.
- Worst Weather?: Below zero cold.
- X-Rays: Scare me.
- Xylophone: Interesting.
-Year it is now: 2008
-Yellow: I like it.
- Zoo animal: GIRAFFES!
1. Slept in a bed beside you? Eddie?
2. You went to the mall with? Pam?
3. You went to dinner with? Marcy and Sema J
4. You talked to on the phone? Pam
5.Made you laugh? Sema… and Tom
6. Hugged you?: Maurice AGHAGHHAGH
7. Said they loved you? Marcy
8. Held your hand? Marcy and Sema
9. Spoke with? Patrick
10. You cried over? Sean