Name: melody boggs
Age: fourteen
School: phs
Interests: cheerleading, computers
Are you in any Community’s yes,
_divinex3 about you
Hair color brown
Eye color blue
Do you have any bad habits? biting my nails, figiting, popping my back, knuckles, neck, ect
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be & why? my ears, because they are big. lol -
Have you ever broken a bone? no
Have you ever hurt yourself? yes, i'm a cutter
Tried to commit suicide? yes
Snuck out of the house? yes
Are you
Happy? at the moment, yes
Depressed? not right now, no
smart? psh, no
crazy? haha, sometimes
Do you..
Do You Play an instrument? no, i tried to learn how to play the guitar, but it didn't go so well..
Do you exercise to stay in shape? yes
Do you like rain and/or snow? i love it :)
Do you have peircings? yes, 2 holes in each ear & bellybutton
Do you find yourself pretty? no, sadly i hate the way i look
Do you like scary movies? i like them, but i hate the way i feel after i watch them. i'm a big baby.
what do you like
Music type: just about anything, except bluegrass & rap.
Favorite Bands: i have a hard time choosing. & i never know what band to say when people ask me. but either atreyu, guns n roses, taking back sunday, the used, or smile empty soul. weird , i know
In a boyfriend/girlfriend: their personality & attitude.
In a Date: it doesn't really matter
Tv show: how interesting it
Your opinion on teen pregnancy it's very common these days, & i think that they should consider protection a lot more. but i also know that teens, (myself included) don't really think about using it at the time. so i don't have any room to judge them or have an opinion on them.
Your opinion on cutting i am a cutter. i'm trying really hard to stop, & i know how hard it can be. it's a way for people to relieve there feelings, & i hate when people assume that every cutter is doing it for attenion. it makes me want to shoot someone! grr..
In your opinion should people get tattoos i myself wouldn't, because when i'm an old woman, i'm pretty sure i wouldn't enjoy having it. but, if someone wants to get one, then let them. it's their body, their choice.
Opinion on Government(better Know What your talkin bought or leave blank) i should leave this blank.
how many peircings is too many depending on where they are, somewhere over 20 ;)
End it up
promote this community 3 different places and one on your journal
my journal 3 promoting communities Pics
Pics 3-4(At least 2 clear ones and be fun)
Anything else Rock Music Tits