[log in progress, please ignore the mess]

Jan 15, 2006 13:07


As he stepped inside the apartment and shook the rain of his hair, Jason found himself wishing (not for the first time that day) that he'd thought to take an umbrella with him when he left. He didn't mind getting wet, not that much, but as for the bundle of gray-and-white fur he was clutching to his chest and trying to keep dry by flipping up the bottom half of his shirt to cover it - well, that was different.

He waved to Molly, already sitting on the couch, then ducked into the kitchen and grabbed a towel before moving over to sit next to her. "Lovely weather we're having, huh?"

"I think it's wonderful really. Like music." She smiled at him.

"Forget your umbrella again?"

"How did you ever guess?" He grinned and carefully extracted the cat from his shirt. "I don't mind the rain that much, but..."

Molly MELTED. "Oh, she's so CUTE! Where did you find her? Oh, let me hold her while you dry off!"

It was no secret that Molly adored cats. I mean, she put up with El Guapo and Jubilee.

"Lemme dry her off first." Jason settled the cat in his lap and gently got to work with the towel. "Found her on the way home...no tags or collar or anything, and she looked pretty lost."

"Okay, okay. The poor thing, she must have been scared! Who would let a KITTEN out like that?"

"Dunno..." Jason finished drying off the cat and passed her off to Molly, then used the towel to start drying himself off. "Wonder if someone lost her or if she just..." Doesn't have anybody.

"Well, we can put up posters, I suppose, just in case. But I wouldn't mind keeping her, really. She's so pretty." Molly sat there with the tiny thing in her lap, petting her gently.

"We'll try that, but if nobody claims her..." He nodded. "Always room for one more." He finished drying off and threw the towel across the room.

"Exactly. The more the merrier." Molly looked down at the cat.

"What's your name, sweetie?"

"We could try random names and see if she responds to anything?" Jason was only half joking, really.

She laughed. What good would that do? Cats didn't come like dogs did anyway. "Well, I suppose we COULD."

"Or we could just pick something out, since if she's anything like those two..." He tilted his head towards the corner of the room, where El Guapo and Jubilee were. "...she probably won't be much help there."

"Let's watch her for a bit as she gets used to the other cats, and then find something that fits. Cats are particular."

"Works for me." Jason glanced at the other two cats. "And speaking of which...I'd better feed those two before we've got a mutiny on our hands. And get something for the new one." He got up and headed for the kitchen.

"Oh, Jubilee has already been fed, so don't let her have more. She begged....a lot," Molly called back to him. Cats were really silly creatures. Of course, so were they for having so many now.

"Ah, okay." Jason emerged from the kitchen with two open cats of catfood, one of which was left in front of El Guapo and one of which he brought back to the couch where Molly and the new cat were waiting. "She's impatient like that sometimes, yeah."

"It's okay, cats do that. Eat, little thing. " She said to the kitten. The cat was starting to take all of her attention.

"She is a cute one -" Jason stopped, feeling a sudden weight in his lap, and looked down to find Jubilee curling up there. "Hey, don't get jealous. You took all the attention away from El Guapo when I brought you home, remember?"
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