As told, I am now reporting about the incident on the academy grounds on the 10th night and the aftermath. The beginning of 10th gave no actual indication of what was about to happen. When the alarm was given humans were herded to the school building to safety and most vampires joined the line with hunters to protect them and the school. During the fight Dan-sama stayed in his rooms. I was with him until an hour to the battle when I was ordered to join the fight.
I hesitated to join the main battle, and so I rounded the school taking care of the stray E:s. I am aware this may sound like I was running from the battle but certainly it isn't so. My chosen tactic gave me an opportunity to confirm my suspicions by interrogating one of the level E:s. The attack wasn't as random as we were led to believe. They were after Dan-sama, perhaps for obvious reasons. I won't speculate. All level E:s from that night were killed. Seeing bloodlust in that uncontrolled state made me ill and so I thank you, Father, for sparing me that fate.
I also confirm the attackers weren't only level E:s. I fought with someone higher levelled than a turned vampire once I joined Niou Masaharu where he was. Due to Niou-kun's serious injuries there was a need for me to surrender my blood to him once we had utilised the humans who were with me. I drank none, there was no need for it.
The bonds between the students here are strong, Father. You may have to consider that for the future. In the aftermath of the battle there were inquiries on both sides for the other ones health. I was quite impressed. Also after the memorial service for the deceased they held a party for everyone to celebrate their being alive. The party was the courtesy of Atobe Keigo.
I didn't participate in either, as I had more dire things to attend to. I will now report on the information I received while attending those things.
Soon after the party Atobe-kun visited home. Upon his return he has hardly done anything but rested. Kabaji Munehiro stays diligently by his side. This causes me to suspect the news of his father's recovery haven't been pleasant for him personally. I don't want to speculate as that leads to unnecessary rumours, but I intend to look into this more once I return to the Academy.
As you may have noticed already, my credit card has been recently used in Paris, France. This is where I am currently. I apologise for the inconvenience and this breach in dicipline, Father.
I am staying close to Dan-sama as told. We left the Academy several nights ago to follow an unsafe level D Dan-sama has been indulging lately. I believe the level D's agenda has to do with their sire and thus I'm here as protection as well as an on-looker. It would be inconvenient for Dan-sama to lose his life over something this small after surviving the level E attack. Should the level D turn into level E, or otherwise bring forth trouble, I am here to deal with him as I have come to be aware of Dan-sama's inability to protect himself from those he considers friends.
As it is, you may reach me through the number I shall be contacting you from shortly. This is all for now, good day to you, Father.