Stef & I have this huge crazy plan to cast the entire Marvel Universe between the two of us which says that we have a special sort of mental disorder between the two of us. But it would be a very productive sort of illness. I swear
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I mentioned this to someone (okay, shelightsupwell & pulltheripchord) and I am too tired to do much else tonight. I thought it would be kind of fun and I enjoyed doing the one I did for picspammy. Thus a Marvel themed one. In the end, it turned out to be huge. So remember, I warned you.
picspammy. challenge #07: behold a picspam that has been in the making since January. This thing is marvellously large and I am not certain I would do it any other way.
picspammy. challenge again. And can I just say that Firefly caps, while beautifully shot are horribly coloured and shaded and I never noticed how dark and weird they were before? FAIL.
I swear to high heaven I am not normally this spammy with the polls. I think I have just lost my mind and am just waiting for it to come wandering back. This might take somewhere between four to six days to weeks, but you know? I can wait.