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Oct 13, 2006 07:33

Essay time again!

This is kiiind of important 'cuz at times it may seem like Goku is replacing the ikkou.

But he's not. Oh, he's so not. That's like replacing dinner with a light snack. Tasty, but not nearly so filling. In fact, suggesting so will make Goku react as though you've committed a sacriligeous crime.

In the past there's been some hinting from others that Goku's replacing Sanzo with Stan. Already essayed that and we all get it now I hope. Now it seems a tad bit like Goku may be replacing Hakkai with Rosalyn, but that's not really the case. Yeah, he goes to her for advice. When they talk, he gets quite personal with her.


Well, put simply, Goku feels a few different things about Rosalyn. They've been through quite a bit together; kind-of friends, kind-of rivals, kind-of not-friends, kind-of crushing on one another, and now kind-of really damn good friends. Rosalyn teases him, but she's not irritating about it, so he deals with it differently than he does with, well, most other people. She's also the one that sort of prodded him into realizing his feelings for Sanzo. Not to mention she's very supportive of his wanting to travel the world if when he survives the Minus Wave calamity back from his world, and she's teaching him to cook a bit to help.


Just because she's all these things doesn't mean Goku's replaced Hakkai in his mind at all. He is completely at ease with Hakkai unless he's being scary D:. So much that he'll say things without thinking, things that he hid from everyone else (namely the Sanzo-mistletoe-itwasdark incident last year). And despite Rosalyn's support for his wanting to travel, when the ikkou object to it in any way it does make Goku rethink--even if he talks about it all the time, he's uncertain because of the ikkou. And though he does take advice from others, he usually puts the ikkou's opinions above everyone else's. Usually and depending on the subject.

What it boils down to in the end is simply that other characters tend to be easier for Goku to find right away, so!


So um. Simply put. Stan ≠ Sanzo and Ros ≠ Hakkai. "Thanks for comin' out!"
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